Problem continues

  • Hello. Problem, which I have written about It here wasn’t solved. Everything is in this topic, but mainly I have discussed about one problem.
    I couldn’t find by pressing tab button switch site, It is not reported. I am using currently Mozilla Firefox, I sometimes use Google Chrome and there It is reported, but not by viewing browser cursor. I must use only tab to navigate to this button. Note: I am blind user of and I use NVDA. I have not interested on this problem, because I have studied at this time and It was difficult to me due to this Covid situation.
    I can explain You everything, which You can know about It but please, fix this issue. It is not just My problem, It is problem of blind users of

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Sorry to hear that you are still facing the issue. I will bring this to the appropriate team that can look into this. Before I do that, I’d like to understand the issue better. Thank you for any further clarifications you can give us!

    From the previous thread, I understand that you were having two different issues: 1. Being unable to accept the cookies button on a site. 2. Being unable to find/click the Switch sites option.

    Could you tell me if you’re still facing both of these issues? Is the problem with the cookie button solved?

    As for the Switch sites option not being reported, if I understand it correctly, the software you use, NVDA, is unable to find the Switch sites option on Firefox. But on Google Chrome, it does find it sometimes. When it does find the Switch sites option, it’s only by using the tab keys, not by using the cursor.

    Does all that sound correct?

    Additionally, when you use Firefox, do you find the Switch sites option using the tabs key? Or does that only work on Google Chrome?

    I understand I’m asking quite a few questions, but I’d like to get a complete picture of what’s happening before I can ask the relevant team to take a look at the issue for you. Thank you for your cooperation with this!

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