Privé status

  • Hallo,
    Ik heb een aantal pagina’s op status ‘privé’ gezet maar deze zijn nog zichtbaar op de site. Kunnen jullie me helpen zodat deze pagina’s niet openbaar te zien zijn? Dankjewel. Anne de Mol

  • Hi there,

    please note that you can get support in Dutch from this forum:

    Nevertheless, I’ve gone ahead and translated your question, and here’s the translation from google:

    I have put a number of pages in the ‘private’ status but these are still visible on the site. Can you help me make these pages not visible to the public? Thank you. Anne de Mol

    If you’ve put some of your posts and pages in private, chances are they are private but they may not appear as private to you on your computer. To verify this, try viewing them incognito or use another browser where you are not logged in.


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