Private blog

  • Hi,
    How do I make my blog private so only certain people have access to it. I made it private for a short time, but figured only people that already have a wordpress account can read it if they have the password.

    Is there any way to make my blog private and people with a password can read it, without them having to create an account?

    Thanks for help!

  • Hi,

    Privacy Options:
    1) Public. This is the setting used by most sites. It allows everyone to read your site and enables your site to be included in search engine results and other content sites.

    2) Hidden. If you want all human visitors to be able to read your blog, but want to block web crawlers for search engines, this is the setting for you. (Please note, however, that not all search engines respect this setting.)

    3) Private. Select this option to make your site private. If you want specific people to be able to view it (and add comments, if you’ve enabled them), you’ll need to invite them to be a viewer.

    You can read more about this here:

    Hope this helps :)

  • Hi there,

    Is there any way to make my blog private and people with a password can read it, without them having to create an account?

    No. If it’s private, someone will need both a account, and to specifically be invited by you, to see the site. There is no option that does not require an account.

    You can password protect individual posts and pages, though. But in that case you need to set a password on each post/page you want hidden, and then provide that password to everyone you want to have access.

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