Pricing Feedback

  • I was surprised to learn about the change in plans and the price of Pro, but having thought on it a while, I’m not super disappointed. I used to self-host and while my hosting was cheaper than, that gap was significantly narrowed when I started paying for some of the Jetpack Premier features. I eventually made the switch to and while I had to pay a little more to get the plan I wanted, it’s been a huge time saver for me not needing to worry about any maintenance or back-end stuff. Put another way, I blog for fun and having to deal with maintenance was, well, not fun. All that said, the annual price of Pro is rather steep. I would certainly be grateful if I were a business user, but as someone who’s just blogging as a hobby, it’s steep. As many others have already commented, I hope Automattic will soon make À la carte options available, so that people have more customization and easier access to the services they want or need.

  • I admittedly did a poor job of keeping this thread updated. I’m sorry.

    We’ve still got a lot of things in the works. Here are a few quick updates on how we’re are currently thinking about prioritizing next steps:

    • We are currently working on launching a new lower-priced plan with a price point in-between the Free plan and the Pro plan.
    • Following the launch of this new plan we will be revisiting our discounted pricing in a few regional areas.
    • Following that we still plan to launch a series of à la carte individual feature add-ons that can be purchased one-off across our various plans.
    • We also plan to experiment with bringing back monthly pricing at some point.

    I don’t have any specific dates that I can share around these launches, but we are actively working on these updates.

    I just wanted to share a big thank you to everyone who weighed in with their feedback. I’m closing this particular thread now since it’s a couple of weeks old.

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