Premium Subscription

  • Hello!

    I am working on transferring my company’s site to the platform. Currently, we have a site in English and one in Spanish. I know my options for this, and truthfully the best solution, I believe would be to have a separate site and link between the two.

    The question is, however, does my premium subscription apply to only one website on my account or could I use it for the 2nd website as well?

    If not, it looks like I will have to do some sort of mash up for my website cause two subscriptions are not in my supervisor’s budget…

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    Upgrade plans apply on a per blog basis, so I’m afraid you can’t include two separate blogs in one Premium plan.

    As for the translation, hmm, there are a few options, but I’m not sure if they can be applied to your site considering it will be a business website.

    One is to setup a multilingual blog, which basically requires writing one post in both the languages and assigning them categories. Other strategies too, like writing in both the languages in a single post/page.

    Other is to link your blog to a translation service like Google Translate, but the translation might not be natural.

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