Premium Plan inclusions

  • I plan on buying a Premium plan that includes “Unlimited Premium Themes”. I have never purchased a Premium Plan before so I just wanted to check exactly what this means please.

    (1) Does this mean all plans listed on this page? i.e. 3rd party themes and not just Automattic ones? I am specifically interested in Perle, Hive, Janice and Pena themes.

    (2) Does it mean I can try out several themes before I settle on one?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @hokonuieric

    Does this mean all plans listed on this page? i.e. 3rd party themes and not just Automattic ones? I am specifically interested in Perle, Hive, Janice and Pena themes.

    Yes, you would definitely get access to all themes listed here:, including Perle, Hive, Janice, and Pena.

    Does it mean I can try out several themes before I settle on one?

    Yes, for sure, you would be able to try as many themes as you want. There is no restriction for this in premium plans.

    For more details on pricing and plans or compare any plans, you can always visit here:

    Please let me know if you have any further questions. 🙂

  • No further questions thanks. I just needed to be sure so I didn’t do anything foolish. That is what I hoped. Thanks again.

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