Premium-plan and fonts

  • Hey,

    I just started using Word Press about 2 days ago. I was initially going to create my website with Wix, but heard that Word Press offers more customization (given that you have to learn how to use it first, which I’m glad to do).

    The first thing I wanted to do with my homepage was to change the font (The website is in Japanese so I wanted to add 2 or 3 Japanese fonts).

    The initial google search indicated that using plugins to do this is the easiest method. Turns out that plugins are only available to the Small-Business Plan.
    Next I tried the suggested method of using the “Editor” to add the fonts. Turns out that Word Press has taken away the editor from the website so I learned that using a FTP I can access the editor. Well, turns out that the FTP credentials that I need to login to the FTP are also part of the Small Business Plan…

    Sorry if I’m just being a noob, but it is starting to feel like Word Press is using the cheaper Premium Plan as a cheap way to lock-in customers and then force them to upgrade by starving them out of customization functions.
    All I’m trying to do it change the hecking font.
    *Rant over*

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • We actually have custom fonts built-in, no plugins or FTP access required:

    Sites on the free and Personal plans have a limited set available, and sites on the paid Premium and higher plans have an expanded set available.

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