Posts to Catergories

  • How do I get my posts each time I post to end up underneath a Catergory? I check the box when I post, but then when you click on “Deliciousness” or “Traveling Times” those posts are not there. How can I make that work?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Please take a moment to comprehend this. There is only ONE page in a blog that automatically updates with every post we publish and it’s the front page of the blog, unless we choose to change that. When we publish a post it will automatically appear in the Archives and also on the Category pages of the categories that we assigned to a post. We cannot post to Category pages. We can only create the appearance that we have done that by setting up a custom menu. That feature is available for some themes but not for all themes.
    See here > custom menus >
    See also >

  • You have those titles set as static pages in your current navigation menu. If your theme allows it you should set up a custom menu from Appearance > Menus and drag across your category links. Then clicking on them will display posts you have assigned to that category.

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