Posts per a page

  • I have 4 blogs on my homepage, but only 3 show up to my viewers. Why is this? I see them on my end during editing/dashboard but the first one doesn’t display to those that follow. Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi! Your front page uses a Latest Posts block that is set to just show three posts. You can edit that to increase the number if you’d like: edit the page, click on the three posts, click the gear, and scroll through the options you see. Once of them will let you choose how many items to show.

    Let us know if you need more help!

  • Also — I couldn’t help but notice that all of your posts are marked as Sticky. Sticky means they’ll show up before the other posts, pinned to the top. If every post is marked as sticky, though, that can start to cause strange issues after a while. I’d recommend pinning one or two, then if you need more control over the post order and how things are displayed, let us know and we may able to recommend some options.

  • Thanks for the info on the sticky setting. I just resolved that. I’m still trying to figure out the number of posts/blogs my readers see. Basically a couple of us are going on a 16 day motorcycle trip and we will blog everyday. I just want all the daily blogs to be on the same page. Having a problem with getting more than 3 to show up. I looked at your above instructions and it’s still not working they way I want it to. I’ll keep trying.

  • Tell you what, if you take venmo I’ll pay you for your time if you can tweak it. I’m guessing a 5-10 minute job. I have zero experience with this and I want it seamless for when I’m on the trail. I think I’m 95% there, but need somebody to go through it. Just a thought.

  • Hello there,

    It looks like the posts are being displayed via a recent posts block.

    This would be edited via Pages > Home (Continental Divide Adventure Route, 12-28 Aug) > Edit.

    I created this screenshot to show you how this would be changed:

  • Fantastic! Problem solved.. Thank You…

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