Posts Notifications Not Sent To Subscribers

  • Hello all! Two of my subscribers have told me that they no longer receive post notification emails when I write a new post. Both have “re-subscribed” several times only to either a) never receive a confirmation email of subscription, or b) receive the confirmation email, click the link to subscribe, then still never receive my posts. It’s a mystery! Any help would be so gratefully appreciated.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there. Please ask those followers to check their email notification settings in their account settings: They could perhaps have disabled notifications on their own blogs, not knowing that it also disabled notifications of posts on other blogs.

    They should also check their notifications for your blog specifically from the Blogs I Follow section of the Reader.

    Of course, this is assuming those followers are users. If they follow you only via email, let us know. Also if the above suggestions don’t work.

  • Thank you so much for your reply! These users are only followers via email. Any suggestions?

  • I don’t have any other suggestions, but maybe staff does. I’ve tagged this for them to follow up. Please be patient while waiting for their response.

  • These users are only followers via email.

    Could you give me the email addresses for the people who are having trouble? Only you and Staff members will be able to see the addresses, and it will help me troubleshoot.


  • Sure!
    (email visible only to moderators and staff)
    (email visible only to moderators and staff)

  • Thanks!

    Both of those users have chosen to block e-mail from They won’t be able to receive the emails until they remove the block.

    They should be able to fix that here


  • Thank you so much! I GREATLY appreciate this help!

  • So one of those people has had issues with getting my blog again. This is what she said:

    i could not find anything that was blocked or unblocked. i signed up for an account (not sure if i had one before or not) and i DID receive the email to confirm my account. then i went back onto your blog and followed it again. so i did actually get an email from wordpress. i was looking on gmail for a spot for blocked addresses, but i don’t see that anywhere. I did not receive an email from your blog when you posted yesterday.

  • so i did actually get an email from wordpress. i was looking on gmail for a spot for blocked addresses, but i don’t see that anywhere. I did not receive an email from your blog when you posted yesterday.

    Which follower was this? I can check to see if her account has been updated.

  • (email visible only to moderators and staff)

  • Now that she has an account it will be easier. Send her to this link and have her uncheck the “Block all email updates from blogs you’re following on” box

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