posts not publishing

  • Although I select the ‘publish now’ option when trying to publish my posts, most of my posts are taking a few hours to publish. Is there a reason for this or a way to fix it? Thanks!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • As a first troubleshooting step, can you go to WP Admin > Settings > General and make sure the timezone is set correctly for your blog? Here is a direct link to your settings page:

  • Hi thanks for the help! I did fix the time zone, but my post is still not publishing. It is still under the “Scheduled” header, and below the post it says “6 minutes ago.” Any suggestions?

  • I checked the post titled “How It All Began,” and it looks to me like it’s scheduled to publish in about 30 minutes from now.

    It’s curious that you say your view shows you it published “6 minutes ago.” I think it might be a cache or local browser issue combined with recently changing the timezone setting, but I am not 100% sure. I would love if you took a screenshot of what you see so I can make a note of it (but that’s not required).

    To check to see if it’s a local cache issue, try clearing your browser cache:

    Or try opening the post and setting the publish date time to something slightly in the past and click the Publish button again. If something was a little off because of the settings change, re-publishing should force it to update in this case.

  • After resetting the timezone, I clicked the Publish button again and the post is still not appearing on my blog.

  • As I mentioned before, it is scheduled for about 30 minutes from now (not 6 in the past as you mentioned).

    Please try:

    After you do that, can you re-open the post and tell me what it says in the publish box?

  • Can you please provide a screenshot of the post for me where it shows when the post is going to publish?

    Take a Screenshot

  • I just cleared my browser, and in the publish box it now says “17 minutes ago.” Sending a screenshot in one minute

  • Not seeing a way to upload a screenshot on here

  • If you upload it to your media library, I will be able to find it.

    Or you can use an image sharing service such as

    Also, can you let me know if you tried the suggestionI posted earlier about changing the time to something slightly in the past before clicking the publish button again?

  • Just uploaded the screenshot to my media library. I just clicked publish again after changing the time to something in the past, and now the post says it was published a few seconds ago. The post is still not published

  • Thank you very much for the screenshot! If this turns out to be a bug, it will help me to have that when I report the issue to our developers.

    Next, I am trying to recreate the problem on one of my test blogs and I am also going to look for other similar reports of this problem in the forums to find out if anyone else is experiencing it.

  • Thank you, I appreciate it! Do you happen to know an estimated time of when my post might publish (if at all)?

  • I am not sure why it’s not publishing for you! I can try to force it to publish, but then we won’t know what’s going wrong so the best case is to try to get as much data as possible.

    Can you try one more thing for me? Go back to WP Admin > Settings > General and try changing the timezone to “Jerusalem” instead of “UTC +3” and then try hitting the publish button again?

    Let me know if it works! If it doesn’t, then I have a couple more suggestions and if those don’t work I will see if I can publish for you and look for another similar case to confirm it as a bug happening for other people. So far though, I haven’t been able to trigger the problem you’re describing on my own test blog. I changed the timezone to a UTC offset and to a UTC offset one hour behind mine, and publishing a post always worked normally in my test.

    Oh, and is the browser you are using up to date? See

    And is the local time on your computer set to the right timezone? (This one is a guess, but I think it’s worth checking in this case.)

  • The testing steps here will really help me if this does turn out to be a bug, so thank you for working through it!

  • Changing the timezone to Jerusalem finally worked!! Thank you SO much for sticking with me and solving the problem–I really appreciate it!

  • Great!! I’m so glad, and if I find someone else with the same trouble, maybe updating the timezone will help them. Although, I really do think it was a glitch this time so I will wait to see if another case pops up.

    Happy blogging! :)

  • Hi I connected with you a few days ago about the fact that my post wasn’t publishing! Once again, it looks like my recent post is not publishing right away.

  • I just started a thread about an unpublished new post, too. It is impossible to know when it was “scheduled” to post, because it has disappeared from my draft files, as well as not publishing. The email went out, after some time, but it still it not accessible in any way from my blog, my admin dashboard, or my posted/draft files.

  • The time stamp on the email that went out is:

    June 20, 2015 at 1:37 pm


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