Posts don't appear when searched although they've been tagged!

  • Hey there!
    I didn’t know about the limit of tags and just found out that there is a maximum – OTHERWISE the posts won’t appear in the reader when searched for a certain tag.

    Is it possible now that my blog got “blocked” or sth due to contant “over-tagging”? If so, could you please correct this (someone from the support theme, please!)?

    It was just a misunderstanding and I’ve already reduced my tags on EVERY SINGLE POST! Now that I now, I won’t do that again, of course! So sorry!!!

    Please help me! Thank you!
    Yours, Tery

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Is it possible now that my blog got “blocked” or sth due to contant “over-tagging”?

    You blog doesn’t get blocked for this. Just the offending post won’t appear in the listings. I don’t know if reducing the number of tags and categories will make an already published post show up now, but new posts shouldn’t be affected.

    Best practice is to use the minimum number of relevant tags and categories, not the maximum allowed. Make sure any tags you assign are truly relevant to the content of your post and you shouldn’t have any more problems with this.

    Also see:

  • If you have enough Posts with tons of extra Tags, I think your blog will be classed as a Tag Spammer – reduce the number of Tags & Categories – your blog will come back from the wilderness after a while – sorry I don’t remember what “after a while” is

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