Posts Dissappear After some minutes of published

  • Dozens of times I’ve written a post, published it, and then come back to the site to find the post completely missing. Not a draft, not in the trash, completely gone. If I save the permalink, the link takes me to a completely different post. Cached posts or twitter feed links take me to a different post as well. This continues to happen and I cannot find a clear reason or solution. I notice it more when I post more than once in a single day. I am not altering the time or scheduling anything for later. Everything is normal, but these posts are just randomly disappearing. I am very frustrated!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello, I’m sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your website. However, your site is not hosted with It is a site using the open-source WordPress software (from but hosted with NameCheap.

    Because and are two entirely separate entities, we cannot access files or data for sites that are hosted elsewhere, so staff can only assist with sites that are hosted on our servers. You can find more information here about the differences between software and is a great resource for sites using the open source software, and you can find support for that at:

    Your hosting provider’s support team may also be able to assist.

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