posts assigned to one category show up in every category

  • I created the customized menu and added a published works section and the sub links to that of different places ive been published, with the intention that each post would be assigned to a specific category of the company I was published. And youd be able to access each category from the sublinks under the ppublished works section. The sublinks are linked to categories, the posts are all filed into their individual cateogry that aligns with the menu, But every post is showing up in every category. I’ve tried everything and I can’t find a solution Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    Can you give us some more specific examples to look into? What is a specific post, what is the URL of the category page it SHOULD it appear on, and what is the URL of the category page where it IS appearing?

  • Yes! So i have an parent category in my menu called “published works” and under that category I have three subcategories of places I’ve been published: exhibit a magazine, new school free press, and the las lomas page. All of my published posts that are currently under published works, should fall into their individual subcategory. Some were published at new school free press and others at exhibit a. I have assigned every post a subcategory so hypothetically they would all fall into their individual subcategories under published works. I have also linked the subcategories in the menu to the subcategories of the posts. But unfortunately for some reason the posts don’t separate themselves. The descriptions and titles of each category show up on the category pages like the Exhibit A Magazine page has its title and description, but every single post goes into that category. They don’t separate themselves as I’ve assigned them. All 30 of my total posts go under each category instead of separating themselves under the locations I’ve assigned them.

    For example: the post “ways to heal when you can’t afford therapy” is supposed to go under published works -> exhibit a magazine and it’s there but it also shows up under new school free press and las lomas page.

    Another example: the post “the new school hosts it’s first prom” is supposed to go under published works -> the new school free press and its there but it also shows up under las lomas page and exhibit a magazine.

    Let me know if there’s other information I can provide.

  • Hi,

    So, I suspect that you need to turn off the “Inherit Query From Template” toggle. on the sidebar.

  • would you mind sending a step by step on how to get there? i cant seem to access the toolbar for this page

  • nevermind i figured it out thank you so much for your help!

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