Posting now made more difficult!

  • Is it just me or is the “new improved” system for adding posts and pages actually much less flexible than it used to be?

    I have discovered several things I used to be able to do very easily that seem to have disappeared from WordPress:

    1. There’s no obvious way to add contact forms or polls to posts.

    2. I can no longer see an option to pin a post to the top of my blog.

    3. You can no longer set custom sizes for pictures. In the past you could set the pixel width and/or height of images. Now there just seem to be four pre-set options.

    Any ideas or help welcome?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You are reporting known issues in the new editor that do not exist in the classic editor. Staff have not responded at for a month now.

    The Admin login link for every blog hosted by wordpress.COM is:

    * Note that you change NAME_OF_BLOG below in the URLs with your actual blog name.

    You cannot deactivate the new Beep Beep Boop editor but you do not have to use it. For locating the ways and means of accessing the legacy or classic pages for creating posts, editing posts, and for viewing stats see here > Navigating the Classic WordPress.COM interface

    To create posts in the classic editor On the dashboard of your own blog at Dashboard > Posts > All Posts > Add New for you that link is below.

    On the dashboard of your own blog at
    Dashboard > Posts > All Posts one can hover over any post title and click the Edit link. and proceed with editing.

  • Thanks for the response.

    Until yesterday I’d been avoiding the new editor by accessing the old one from the drop-down menu from ‘My Sites’. However, WordPress seem to have taken away that option – all the post/page editing options now go to the new editor.

    Glad I can still access it using ‘/wp-admin’. Seems like the system has got more awkward for no good reason though!

  • Correct. Staff have removed all convenient links to the classic editor and classic user interface so they can compel us to use the new ones. I have a very strong opinion on that I am choosing not to share here as doing so would mean I would probably swear like sailor, be suspended, and be unable to answer support questions. I acknowledge that no one is irreplaceable and that there will always be other Volunteers and Staff wannbes. However, I’m not a Staff wannbe. I help many bloggers here almost every day and have done that for nearly 10 years so mouthing off again wouldn’t be worth it; whatever I said would fall on deaf ears. Too many threads would go unanswered and too many bloggers would be frustrated and angry due to the lack of support so I soldier on and try not to grind my teeth – much. ;)

  • Thank you Timethief
    Just came here looking for the same answer!

    thanks again! : )

  • Strange that WordPress staff don’t seem to want to listen to (or engage with) those that use the system.
    Begs the question why?
    Are they making changes for the sake of change and then refusing to admit they’ve got it wrong.
    Or is there some other agenda?
    Surely you (they) should be making things more user-friendly and versatile not the other way around.
    Come on WordPress – tell us what you’re doing and why. Please?

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