Post transfer

  • Hey all, newbie here – can anyone tell me how i can automatically share my posts with diffferent pages on my blog? For example, if i was to write a post about ABC on my home page, how can i share & post it to my XYZ page without writing it out again?

  • Hi guys – any help with this would be greatly appreciated. It’s quite important for me to seperate my different blog posts onto different pages of my site – as i’m writing about vary varied things. Cheers!!

  • I’m not sure I fully understand the problem but I’ll have a go anyway :-)

    1. WordPress lets you add tags to each post so you can tag one post with many tags. For example ‘Politics’, ‘Hungary’, ‘Budapest’.

    Then people can search by tag to find all your articles about ‘Politics’.

    2. If you write an article in September and just want to refer to an earlier, relevant article written in August, you simply add a reference to the earlier post. You don’t have to retype all the words again (thankfully).

    In the rich text editor, adding links is done using the ‘Double-Chain’ icon (Insert-Edit Link). You then simply add the URL of the article from August and WordPress adds the hyperlink for you.



  • Moved to support

  • Sorry Andy,
    Maybe my explanation wasn’t so good :-) Thanks for you help anyway!

    What i’m interested in is that when i post one of my articles to my homepage, I would also like them added to the relevant page on my blogsite. So for example my lastest article regarding the riots i would also like to have added to my “Politics” page (as well as homepage). The article i’m writing at the moment regarding diabetes, i would also like to have added to my diabetes page as well as the homepage when it is published.

    I sound so silly now – i bet this is an easy answer!!

  • You can also link across Pages too. So you can have an article on the ‘Fun’ page that refers to an article on the ‘Politics’ page.

    I have an example on my blog. My ‘About’ page contains a reference to a blog article which discusses my thoughts on ‘About’ pages.

    But then I’m a bit weird :-)

  • Apologies. Our replies crossed in the ether. I now understand your question but don’t know the answer. Sorry but there are other clever people lurking here…

  • In order to help you you need to clarify the following
    Do you have a separate website as well as your blog here – in other words is that what you are talking about or not?

  • Andy,
    Thanks very much for your help :-) hopefully those with a little more blogtech knowledge can put my frets to rest!
    Thanks again!

    What i’m interested in is that when i post one of my articles to my homepage, I would also like them added to the relevant page on my blogsite. So for example my lastest article regarding the riots i would also like to have added to my “Politics” page (as well as homepage). The article i’m writing at the moment regarding diabetes, i would also like to have added to my diabetes page as well as the homepage when it is published.

  • If you are only talking about your blog here then know it is a blog and not a website and does not operate as a website does.
    Take this tour …
    dashboard – options -> reading – > front page displays
    look at the only two options
    (1) front page
    (2) POSTS page
    now with that information in mind there can only be one POSTS page in your blog.
    If you wish your posts to appear on more than one page in the same blog then you must copy and paste them there. Alternatively you can provide a link from one page to the other.
    If you want the same posts to appear somewhere off your blog on your separate website then you can link back to them on your blog. Alternatively you can copy and paste them onto the website page.

  • Thanks for the clarification timethief – much appreciated!!!

  • I’ve checked out your blog and my answer remains the same. You can provide a link between the two separate pages in the same blog. Or you put the information on one page and then copy and paste the same information onto the second page. To be clear you cannot post to two different pages in one go.

    Does that answer your question?

  • OOPS! our posts crossed but I can tell you understand now. Happy blogging! :)
    P.S. @andyc – good try! This wasn’t an easy question to either understand or to answer. ;)

  • Now I finally understand the question, I think the answer is:-

    You need to stop thinking in terms of ‘Pages’ and think in terms of ‘Tags’.

    Your blog is pretty new. Unless you have a very narrow (niche) range of subjects, you are likely to create over 30 tags (like me).

    It will be far easier to categorize your posts by tag rather than maintain multiple posts which are cross-posted to multiple pages.

    You can even create separate RSS feeds for each tag.

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