Post Time Stamp

  • The new dashboard does not appear to have specific time on the posts, particularly if the post is saved as draft. It is a useful feature for moving posts around, watching exactly when a published (but scheduled) post will appear. Does anyone know how to work around this situation?

    BTW, the forum for the after-the-dashboard-upgrade types of questions is really ineffective as when you search for any specific topics, it takes you to older threads. There should have been a separate section at the Forum for QA/issues appearing after the upgrade.

  • I’m not sure if this is what your asking, but:
    If you want to change the time of your post, before clicking “publish” on the right side, click the little “edit” link next to “Publish immediatly”. A little drop-down should come down where you can change the time of the post.
    Like I said, I’m not sure if I answered your question, I can’t tell.

  • Hope this is not bad etiquette, meaning maybe i should start a new topic. But is it possible to have the timestamps appear on a post in the blog?

    And sorrry I do not know the answer to your question.

  • orangeninja, sorry I wasn’t clear enough. No, this isn’t what I was asking. In Dashboard – Manage – Posts, the first column used to have the time the post appeared or will be appearing (if scheduled). Now, the new dashboard has something like ‘six hours ago’, ‘seven hours ago’. What I used to do is shift posts around and it used to be very easy looking at the exact time of the post, now I have to go back and forth in each individual post to look at exact time (like the method you mentioned above).

  • The search function is completely broken and I’m using Google right now to search the forums. I have no idea why it is so ineffective, but it’s useless.

    If I were you I’d send a message to Staff on Monday requesting the change to specific times. I agree that would be more useful for everyone.

  • ismailmail, I have the same complaint.

    The only view that shows the dates you saved for your drafts and pending posts is All Posts. If you look at Drafts or Pending Review, it sorts the post by last modified. So posts you were working on today will show as “1 hour ago”, etc.

    I am alternating between two workarounds. One is to find the page in All Posts that has the drafts you want to work on and bookmark it. The other is to set the drafts you want to focus on to Pending.

  • If you hover over the first column it will display a tooltip with the date/time of the post.

  • There really is too much info being hidden now and only visible by hovering, page ID being one of them.

  • Thanks, that does it.

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