Post notifications not working

  • Have been having consistent problems over the last few months with followers reporting to me that they are not receiving notifications of new posts. As but one example – I sent out a new post this morning. I am obviously a follower of my own site but did not receive a notification of the new post to my email (email visible only to moderators and staff)

    When I go in to Settings under ‘Users’ – I see that this address is indeed listed as an email follower. Obviously I have checked the Junk folder. A mate of mine who follows via two emails – (email visible only to moderators and staff) and (email visible only to moderators and staff) told me this morning he has not received the post notification this morning to either email. Another subscriber – (email visible only to moderators and staff) – mysteriously stopped receiving new post notifications from my site several months ago. I have spoken to this person yesterday and they assured me they did not ‘unsubscribe’ and it is a mystery to them as to why they have suddenly stopped receiving updates.

    When I go into my ‘Users’ – it lists 225 followers and 97 email subscribers. I believe both lists are wildly inaccurate – in particular the email followers which continues to list people I know discontinued receiving my posts years ago.

    Another mystery, is going into ‘Users’, when I send an invite it doesn’t arrive in the person’s email inbox. I tested this with my own address – (email visible only to moderators and staff) – sending an invite but it never arrived in the inbox (or junk or anything else).

    Another mystery is under ‘Email followers’ (in Users) there is a reddish pink button labelled ‘Add subscribers’ . When I input an email address into this tab and press send, I receive this puzzling message – ” “We have finished importing 0 out of 1 subscribers for Scenic Writer’s Shack’. A real headscratcher.

    Another huge malfunctioning issue is the follow button I have installed on the site itself (right hand side below the ‘Fun meter’). It has not been working for a while. Every single address input into it triggers the message – “You’ve already subscribed to this site”. To prove a point that this is not working, I’ve just now inputed a completely random email address from a complete stranger taken from the internet, and sure enough, the response is -“You’ve already subscribed to this site.”

    All these issues combined add up to tell me that getting new followers to my site – and getting new post notifications to current followers – seems very broken.

    Please help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there,

    Happy to help you with this.

    Have been having consistent problems over the last few months with followers reporting to me that they are not receiving notifications of new posts. 

    I’ve checked our email logs and I can see that the post notifications were sent via email, without hindrance or a bounce back. With the email addresses, you need to see if there’s a filtering of some sort at the email hosting provider level as it has been known for these to become overzealous over time.

    With regards to the @gmail addresses, I would double check nothing has arrived in any promotional tabs or indeed spam.

    Another subscriber – (email visible only to moderators and staff) – mysteriously stopped receiving new post notifications from my site several months ago. 

    There is less of a mystery here, I can’t see that this email is subscribed to the site. It’s possible they were unsubscribed in error perhaps via an unsubscribe button via the email itself.

    When I go into my ‘Users’ – it lists 225 followers and 97 email subscribers. I believe both lists are wildly inaccurate – in particular the email followers which continues to list people I know discontinued receiving my posts years ago.

    So are you expecting to see less email subscribers? A person would still be subscribed unless they explicitly decide to unsubscribe.

    Another mystery, is going into ‘Users’, when I send an invite it doesn’t arrive in the person’s email inbox. 

    Again, I would check the email address filtering here. Are you able to access the account attached to this email address?

    Another mystery is under ‘Email followers’ (in Users) there is a reddish pink button labelled ‘Add subscribers’ . When I input an email address into this tab and press send, I receive this puzzling message – ” “We have finished importing 0 out of 1 subscribers for Scenic Writer’s Shack’. A real headscratcher.

    That is a real headscratcher – what email address are you putting in there?

    Another huge malfunctioning issue is the follow button I have installed on the site itself (right hand side below the ‘Fun meter’). It has not been working for a while. Every single address input into it triggers the message – “You’ve already subscribed to this site”. To prove a point that this is not working, I’ve just now inputed a completely random email address from a complete stranger taken from the internet, and sure enough, the response is -“You’ve already subscribed to this site.”

    I’d like to test this also – what is the email you’re entering in there.

  • Just taking the last part of the question and the response, the point is it doesn’t matter WHAT email address is typed in to the on-site subscription tab, it will always show – “YOU’VE ALREADY SUBSCRIBED TO THIS SITE”. To illustrate the point, as a test, try entering your own email address. You will find the response is the same -“YOU”VE ALREADY SUBSCRIBED TO THE SITE”. The random email address of an unknown person I obtained from the internet to verify this subscription button on the site is malfunctioning was (email visible only to moderators and staff)

  • Hi there, I hope you don’t mind me adding something here, although I can’t address the non-receipt of new post notifications issue.

    Perhaps obvious, but were you logged out of your account when you tried to subscribe to your site in the sidebar? (There are two instances of that widget there, BTW.)

    What browser are you using? Does it happen if you try a different browser? Are you using any browser extensions? Can you try disabling them and seeing if that changes things?

    I have DuckDuckGo Privacy active in my regular browser (FF) and I had to use a private window, but I successfully subscribed to your site as a test (but have not confirmed) using a throwaway address.

  • Thankyou so much for taking the time to reply Jennifer.

    Very helpful info you provided.

  • I think we may have stumbled across a little quirk here.

    If you’re logged in and enter in that email address, the “Already subscribed” message does appear.

    It doesn’t appear when entered via an incognito window – whereby I see: “Thanks for subscribing! You’ll get an email with a link to confirm your subscription. If you don’t get it, please contact us.”

    Are you getting the same via a private/incognito browser?

  • That’s what happening yes.

  • That’s what happening yes.

    Ok, so it sounds like it works as expected when you’re not logged in on your account, which is good!

    That follow widget would theoretically not even show an email address field when you are logged in on your account – if you’re logged in it should normally just show a “follow” button alone because it’d fetch the information about your email address from your account.

    The follow widget you’re using is a “legacy” widget and isn’t being updated as such; we may be able to file a report for this, but in the meantime it could be worth looking at the Subscribe block as an alternative, if you’re finding that other followers can’t sign up:

    Subscribe Block
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