Post not publishing

  • Hi I am trying to publish my post, it says it has been published but when I visit my blog, there is no post there?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I had this same problem this morning. Instead of 10/11/2015 as the publication date, it showed a date in June, 2015 as the publication date. Since I only wrote it this week, that’s a bit of a mystery.

    Anyway — if you have the email notification, check the date on it. That could explain it. If you can get to the post through email, you can go in and edit the publication date to get it back to where it’s supposed to be.

    Maybe that will take care of it for you. (Note: if that’s the issue and you change the publication date, people who received notice via email will suddenly have bad links. There must be a way to deal with that, but I don’t know what it is.)

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