Post linking

  • There is a person that constantly links to my posts, over and over again, usualy on a few of same posts, but since a few days ago, to the new ones again. My posts and his articles have nothing to do with each other, thematic wise and I personaly don’t want them to be connected.I send the notification to spam, but it is still annoying to see this at least 10 times a day and know that the link to my post still shows on this persons page, under each article. I find this attitude to be abussive, especialy since I was never asked by this person to link-up, so to say.
    Is there a way to stop and block this person from doing this? Should I rport this person, or what should I do?Thank you in advance!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • It’s really annoying but we cannot prevent anyone from backlinking to our posts.

  • But this person does it daily, a grat number of times! And the material is not even related! Does not that qualify as abusive behaviour?Because that is how I feel.
    If not, the policies should seriously be changed! This sort of thing not even the commercial marketing blogs do!

  • Is this another blogger doing this?

    I’m sorry I cannot help. Maybe Staff can. I’ll tag this thread for them. Subscribe to the thread please so you are notified when they reply.

  • I guess it is, seeing I am getting notifications, but it ends in . com.
    If this is another “Yes,you can stop this if you buy Premium” thing, I won’t mind. I would jsut like to know how can this attitude be approved and condoned.

    Thank you very much for trying to help me and for marking the topic, I am allready subscribed to it

  • Could you please give an example or describe of where you see your links being shared? and the notification you get?

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