Post comments no longer chronological

  • This is a bit tricky to explain, but here goes.

    This morning I was cleaning out some of the comments from one of my posts. I use the comment bubble so that I can trash the comments in bulk for a particular post. However, there were a few from today and yesterday that I wanted to keep. Also one or two from a few days back. The rest I trashed.

    After I had done this, some of the older comments appeared at the bottom of the lists of comments for the post (as if they were the newest). |The comment date was unchanged, so it was clearly a fault.

    My guess would be that this has something to do with the introduction of the Trash feature, combined with the Comment Bubble. When using the Comment Bubble, the comments are presented newest first. Before the Trash feature was introduced, comments were presented oldest first.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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