Post by email is not working

  • I make few posts by email every month on the blog. Email is sent through SendGrid. It was working fine but this month, the emails being sent through SendGrid are not being posted to my blog. Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • Hi there,

    We’ve had a few reports of this, and we suspect it might be related to the retired theme you’re using.

    Can you check if disabling the Infinite Scroll feature makes any difference? You’ll find that setting at My Site ->Settings ->Writing, under the Theme Enhancements heading.

    If that doesn’t help, would you be willing to temporarily switch to a new theme and check if it posts then? I would recommend you consider updating to a current theme anyway, as the Greyzed theme you’re using was retired quite some time ago, so it no longer receives updates, and won’t work correctly with the newer block-based features being added to the WordPress software.

  • @kokkieh

    Thanks for sharing. Yes, I am using an old theme but the email I used to send has simple HTML and it was working without any issues before. It doesn’t make sense to me that an email to post had to do anything with the theme.

    I also don’t want to switch my blog theme so if you can share any other workaround or fix, I would appreciate it. Thanks.

  • @kokkieh

    Can you check if disabling the Infinite Scroll feature makes any difference? You’ll find that setting at My Site ->Settings ->Writing

    It didn’t make sense to me but I still tried disabling infinite scrolling and emailing again but result was same.

    Looks like something wrong with Post by email feature itself. Please investigate. Thanks.

  • I’m afraid that we don’t have another workaround right now. We’ve reported the issue to our developers, though, so we’re hoping to have more information soon.

    The other reports we’ve seen for this all happen to be for sites using retired themes, so we believe it is related to the issue. If you still prefer keeping your current theme, I’d suggest posting to your site directly from or from our mobile/desktop app for now.

  • Hi there,

    The issue with Post by Email should be fixed now, but let us know if you still run into any problems when using it.

  • Thanks @kokkieh

    I confirm that issue has been fixed.

  • Thanks for confirming :)

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