Post appearing on date begun or edited, not date published

  • On the stats chart, when I mouse over the figures for any day, it shows, not the post that was published that day, but the date it was drafted. Today for the first time, when I published a post, instead of showing up at the top of the feed on today’s date, it showed up under a couple of other posts on the date I wrote it. The only way I could see to fix it was to edit the publishing status and change the date (which I could only see to do in the box for scheduling) and put the correct day and time), and then it showed up at the top of my posts. So I was able to fix it for that post. But for almost seven years of blogging, posts have published at the time and date I hit “publish” automatically, not the date it was written and saved as a draft. That’s naturally the preferred way. Just wondering if anyone else was having this problem, whether this was a new setting, and whether there is any way to deal with it besides having to check the date and time before hitting “Publish.”

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there. Are you perhaps using the new editor? I know that editor works differently than the classic one in how it saves drafts, and it had issues with scheduling posts at one point, so this could be a related bug.

    Please confirm which editor you’re using (new editor – blue bar at top of screen, classic editor – black bar at top of screen and ‘wp-admin’ part of the URL in the browser address bar), and if possible, check if it happens in just that editor or in the other one as well.

  • Thanks for the response. Yes, it happens with the new editor. I don’t think I have seen it occur with the classic.

  • It might be how the new editor was designed, but it might also be a bug, so I’ll tag this for staff to follow up. Please be patient while waiting for their response.

  • Hi Barbara,

    Can you describe the exact steps you take to draft and publish a post? I tried publishing a draft on my blog from several weeks ago, and when I clicked the Publish button the post was published with today’s date. I’m wondering if there’s a specific set of steps that can consistently reproduce the problem you ran into with the date on the post, which would help me troubleshoot and report that to our team.

  • For example, here is what I tried:

    1. I went to to view a list of drafts on my blog
    2. I found a saved draft from a few weeks ago and click the Edit link to open it in the editor
    3. I then clicked the Publish button at the bottom of the editor to publish the post

    If you made any particular changes to the post before publishing it (for example, changing any of the settings on the post) that might help me track down what went wrong for you.

  • I looked into my drafts for the post I wanted to publish that morning and clicked the Publish button. Normally it publishes immediately with the current date and time. This time it published immediately, but under the date and time the draft was last saved, so it showed up under a couple of other posts that I had published in the meantime instead of on top, until I edited the time so it would show up on top. I haven’t published any posts since then.

  • Hi Barbara,

    Thanks for those details. I tried out those steps on another draft post on my blog, and it worked correctly for me. I’m a little stumped as to what might cause that problem for you.

    Do you remember if you made any changes to the post’s settings (like the date/time on the post) when you were writing the draft?

  • No, I didn’t change those settings until after the draft was published.

    Here is another post where this happened:

    Under the “Revisions” section (in the classic editor – unfortunately the new editor doesn’t seem to list these, at least not that I have found) it says:

    Barbara H., 2 weeks ago (May 29, 2015 @ 09:03:09)
    Barbara H., 2 weeks ago (May 28, 2015 @ 17:00:01)
    Barbara H., 2 weeks ago (May 28, 2015 @ 16:43:28)

    May 28 @ 17:00 was when I saved it as a draft. I published it May 29 @ 9:03, yet it’s listed as having been published May 28 @ 17:00.

  • I just tried it with an old draft from Sept. 2009, and it published fine with today’s date. But that would have been under the old editor. I don’t have a draft saved with the new editor to try it with.

  • Are you making the Post with an offline editor such as Windows Live Writer?

    When I used to use WLW there was a bug with the publish date being the date the Post was first uploaded

  • No, I don’t use an offline editor.

  • Hi Barbara,

    I tested this out with a draft that I composed in the new editor, and when I hit publish it published with today’s date. At this point, I can’t identify anything that would consistently cause this problem to happen.

    You mentioned that it happened with a second post — does it happen every time you publish a saved draft, or only with those two posts?

  • I’m not sure – I only noticed it with those posts. I usually publish posts as I finish them or the next day, so I don’t usually post one after it has been there a while. But this morning I published a post I drafted yesterday, and it’s showing yesterday’s date. I used the classic editor this time.

  • Hi Barbara,

    The next time you publish a saved draft, can you please try resaving the draft once before you publish it? I haven’t been able to recreate the problem you’re having here, but resaving the draft should ensure that the date is updated to the current date before it’s published.

  • Will do. Thank you.

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