Possibly Related and Mature blogs

  • Perhaps if there was an incentive to mark one’s blog as adult, people would be more apt to do so. ‘NSFW’ is a tag we often use to warn people about our content, but it seems to be a big referrer as well. Many adults seek out adult-oriented material. A special page for adult material could help promote it, as well as keep it out of the mainstream. Perhaps wp could do it by reserving a category.

    I’d very much like the new feature to include a warning that the links go to other blogs. We end many of our posts with “Related posts:”. The similar wording is confusing to my readers. Calling it “Possibly related posts from other blogs” would solve my only problem with the feature, and be a step toward solving the issue of ‘R’ content on ‘PG’ sites.

  • Wait…I’ve just read the opening of this thread. Am I mistaken, or has it changed? I could have sworn this was a user created thread.

  • marcys, if you use the Porn or Sex tag, Mark has said you’ll be excluded from global tag pages for THAT POST alone. Maybe it will work with Related Posts? Worth a try.

    I’m kind of in the opposite situation. I posted “Wet, Nude, Potty-Mouthed Beaver” yesterday. And it’s from ICanHasCheezburger. My titles alone might freak people out.

    Bagel, there have to be three bakers’ dozens of threads about this by now. A sticky would save everyone time.

  • Mark: I’d be happy to write up a handbook/guide; it’s what I’ve done for a living for the last decade. But I do it for a LIVING. It’s a bigger undertaking than can be managed on a thread, no matter how large.

    Of course, on a wiki…you could open-source it…

  • a post link for some band called “wet wet wet” came up with that beaver post rain :)

  • Ha! Well then this thing is working pretty DAM well!

  • True dat, raincoaster. However, the change makes my first comment look like I ride the short bus.

  • Wait–
    "marcys, if you use the Porn or Sex tag, Mark has said you'll be excluded from global tag pages for THAT POST alone. Maybe it will work with Related Posts? Worth a try."

    As someone that works with mating disruption and ecology, that means several of my posts about insects are out of the system.
    I guess I won’t use that tag anymore.

  • on the other hand, the Sex tag is great for hits….so it’s up to you. They may not exactly be your target market, though.

  • Subtle. Nobody will notice that, good work.

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