Possible to feature a series of post topics on a separate page?

  • Hi, I am preparing this year for a two month pilgrimage in Spain. Once in awhile I’m posting updates on my training, gear testing, etc. and of course during the journey I will post a day-to-day update. However, I continue writing posts about other non-related topics in my main feed. I would like to sort the pilgrimage posts into their own page / feed for people interested in reading specifically about that subject to easily find. I don’t know what my best option is.
    1. Separate Blog: I considered creating a separate blog just for the pilgrimage and then “reblogging” those posts over to my main site so I could have some readership. But, that’s a lot of extra work and is it really necessary?
    2. Separate Page: Could I simply sort the pilgrimage posts into a separate page? This is my preference. I like the idea of having all posts related to that subject easily available from a tab at the top so that people who are visiting my site specifically to read about the pilgrimage could easily find and read that series. Can it be done by simply by using a certain “tag” I choose for those posts? I’m sure I’ve seen sites doing this – but I’m not sure how it’s done.
    3. Separate List: I could put titles of the posts in a simple list format on a separate page with a link to each one. But, I’d like a more professional looking feed with featured photos and summaries if possible. And, I really like the idea of having them automatically added in some way.
    If any of you have separated subjects on your blogs, please let me know so I can visit your site and take a look. I’d also really appreciate hearing your step-by-step process.
    Thank you in advance for your advice and help!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • From what it sounds like you are looking to do, I would recommend adding a category page for your trip to a custom menu. If you don’t have a custom menu, or know if you have one, here is the support doc on how to add one to your blog

    This specific portion: http://en.support.wordpress.com/menus/#adding-category-pages discusses category pages and how to add them.

    This is the full guide/support doc for setting up category pages http://en.support.wordpress.com/category-pages/

    Any of your posts you would like to have added to your category page you will need to assign to the same category.

    The nice part about this option is that you don’t have to constantly go in and add links to a separate page (your #3) as this will do it automatically.

    Hope this helps and wasn’t too confusing

  • Thanks so much Megz0114! This sounds great. I will check out all those links.

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