Portfolio Page Template – Blask Theme

  • I’m trying to copy the look of what is shown in the demo but I’m having troubles setting a page into the Portfolio Page Template as shown in the instructions. My blog is a little messed up as I’m trying to experiment.

    Can you help me set it up to show what is shown on the demo?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I would love to help you there but I can not access your website as it is set on private. (you can find how to set it public following this link : https://en.support.wordpress.com/settings/privacy-settings/)

    Or alternatively, you can tell me what theme you are using; and which step you’re getting stuck on so I can try to help you. :)

  • I figured it out but thank you! I appreciate the help! :)

  • Hi guys!

    Hope everyone is doing great,

    I’m having the same issue with Blask theme, mostly because i’m a beginner in WP… I’m trying to set up my WP as it shown on the demo but I don’t know how to start! I’ve try to follow general informations but still it doesn’t look like the theme demo.
    I don’t know if it’s me (maybe yes!) or if it’s just not as simple as it’s said.

    Can anyone could help me with this situation, please?

  • Hello geethestylist,

    Why don’t you start your own thread? Your issues will be addressed directly that way.


  • geethestylist – right now, your site at geethestylist.wordpress.com still has posts set to display on the front page. You’ll want to go into the Customizer’s Homepage Settings panel and select a page to be displayed on the front, instead. You’ll also need to apply the Portfolio Page template to the page you’ve selected.

    See the “How to Set Up Blask on Your Site” section here for a step-by-step setup guide:


    If you need further help after going through the above steps, please do start a new thread, where folks will be able to help you more directly, and so the other people in this thread won’t continue to get email notifications. Thanks!

    Start a new thread here: https://en.forums.wordpress.com/forum/themes#postform

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