Portfolio feed embed stopped showing projects

  • I use portfolio shortcode on my start page. The line [portfolio display_types=false display_tags=false display_content=false include_type=referenzen columns=5 showposts=5] used to show five projects, as it’s supposed to. Just recently it started showing only three projects and leave the space where the other two projects appeared white. This happened without my making any changes to the page. Of course, there were enough projects of the type ‘referenzen’ published. I did not make any changes to the projects or to their publication status.

    How can I bring the whole five projects back? Is this a wordpress bug that just appeared?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Martin,

    Thanks for reporting this! We received another report about the same issue, and I believe it was caused by a recent change we made. (Our team fixed some bugs with portfolios recently, so it’s possible the changes they made caused some trouble with the showposts part of the portfolio shortcode that defines how many projects to show.)

    I’ve reported this issue to our team so they can investigate that, and I’ll let you know as soon as I get an update about it.

  • Thank you! I see the projects are back on my side. Everything seems to be working now.

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