Porno Followers Fix

  • A constant theme in the forum is the ability to zap a follower that has a web site that the blogger does not like or that does not fit with the tone of the bloggers site –

    How about the ability to check a box and the follower does not show up on the subscriber list on the sidebar? The follower is still subscribed but no longer is displayed in the followers sidebar.

    Seems reasonable that someone with an adult or other site that some people find objectionable would want to subscribe to a blog – yes I do know that there are Troll subscribers as well as those just trolling for a bit of traffic

    the do not display would leave the subscriber in place but not be displayed on a blog

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I support anything that will result in me gaining control over what is displayed on my blog and in the My Community widget. There are porno bloggers who have general rating gravatars and that’s where the trouble is.

  • This would give a blogger back control of the “rating” of their blog – as well as let anyone follow their blog – and you could also exclude deleted and spam blogs

  • That’s a really interesting suggestion! I passed it along to our team to see if it’s something we could implement. Thanks for the idea. :)

    @timethief – If someone has an inappropriate rating for a Gravatar image, please use the “Report Abuse” link on their Gravatar profile to let us know.

  • @rachelmcr
    Thanks so much for passing auxclass’s idea on. And, yes, I will certainly do that.

  • You be welcome for the idea – just trying to improve things one $ 0.25 idea at a time

    thanks for passing the idea along – does not seem that it should be a difficult one to do – depends a bit on how the data tables are set up and if their is a spare bit available for storing the display status

  • Yep, it’s a feature that may not be implemented right away, but we’re definitely considering it as a way to handle these sorts of followers in the future. :)

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