Porn blog appearing in Top Blogs? How come!!!!

  • And there really is no better way than the current system.

  • I always miss the fun around here. :)

  • I think the mature blogs should also have their own version of Top Blogs and Top Posts. I don’t have a problem with porn but I do realize there is a time and a place for everything and there are people and children that do not want to see that kind of material.

  • raincoaster, only using the “report as mature” functionality is actually preferred. They are their own priority queue.

    nosysnoop, mature is not just porn, and although there are interesting problems to explore, we have more than enough challenging interesting problems to explore serving the majority audience. Maybe that is a service that another site can provide.

  • Encouraging reporting and damning without judging for oneself?? Wow it almost sounds like the Religious Reich are here. What a crazy world we live in where we judge a book; not even by it’s cover because we’re unwilling to even look at the cover…but by someone else’s judgment. Would you demand a play called “The Vagina Monologues” be banned due to its pornographic nature?

    I respect people’s right not to see adult material. I also respect some people are not so conservative minded. If some people in who’s opinions you value deem a site to be mature, your decision should be clear cut……don’t visit it. Or visit to judge for yourself and report if you agree and feel it needs to be reported.

    I respect that either way…….but to report it BLIND????? WTF???? Are you your own person?? Or do you follow the crowd and jump when told to??

  • All you doing is reporting a blog as such. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t get checked out before it being marked as such.

    Staff and I have disagreed over what gets marked as such. There’s no action being done blindly here.

    Me think you’re overreacting a bit.

  • Yeah you’re probs right, I just get pissed off at the Religious Reich demanding we all live life by their rules, demanding stuff is banned without even looking at it, merely on a rumor that it “may” be offensive. I’m merely making the point that suggesting or encouraging that practice (for religious or other reasons) is like encouraging people to follow blind instead of making their own mind up.

  • @dirkgently
    As you are newly arrived I’m thinking you’re probably going to be devoting a great deal of time towards creating blog content. So if you’re feeling pissed then your blog is the appropriate place to express your opinion about the Religious Reich or any other group that you care to label.

  • Also remember that marking a blog as matrue isn’t banning. All is does it remove it from the tag system, the botd system, and the next blog link system. The blog is still there and functions fine.

  • And of course marking it mature doesn’t change the way search engines rank it, except that it loses the benefit of the WordPress tag system. Methinks the technorati tag system would still pick up on it, though.

  • You’re right raincoaster the Technorati system still picks them up and they can be found through Google searches.

  • ewww…gross…

  • And sometimes idiots post links to them in comments on my blog, saying “check this out” without telling me what it is. Thoughtful.

    The correct procedure to follow when you run across a blog containing such material is outlined on Page One of this thread, FYI y’all.

  • Reference:
    These thread are devoted to what “mature” material is

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