Pool header size

  • Does anyone know what size the Pool header needs to be to avoid autocompression kicking in? It’s not in the FAQ yet. The default image is 650×150, but this isn’t wide enough and produces ugly black bars down each side. I then tried 795×150, based on the width of the main div, but the image was still ‘optimised’ to an unacceptable degree (it’s mainly text, so it looks really bad as an overcompressed .jpg). I then realised it would take me about a week at this rate to work out the correct dimensions, and decided to appeal to your collective wisdom.

  • I think its 795×150. There is problem with header with pool. It looses quality when uploaded. I have send feedback and they said they are working on it. You should try with 795×150 and then adjust according to your requirement…I have done in that way only

  • Thanks, but I already tried 795×150 and as I said it looks terrible. Silly me, thinking they might have made sure it worked properly before unleashing it on us… sigh. No wonder it’s not in the FAQ.

    Well, if it’s the overcompressed .jpgs or nothing, I’m going to have to stick with nothing. Headers that make it look like I can’t even use Paint properly are so not my thing.

  • @wank
    Am I understanding you correctly? This is what I think you are expressing
    (1) you sized an image in Paint and had a clear 795×150 jpg
    (2) you uploaded it as a header for the Pool theme and the clarity was compromised.
    If that’s the case then I believe I recall Matt responding approximately 2 weeks ago to another blogger on the same topic (different theme) and I believe he said that it was a 75% resolution situation. I’m sorry but I can’t remember the theme and the tags it went into the forum search box with.

  • That’s correct, except that I was using Paint Shop Pro rather than Paint, so that my text would look smoother. Fat lot of good that did me :(

    I did do a search before making my original post and saw the same thread, but the impression I got from this news blog post was that the 75% thing was fixed (at any rate the last complaint in that thread predates the announcement).

    Anyway, if the results I’m getting are the best I can hope for, I’m not going to waste any more time worrying about it. Hey, I lived for several months without custom headers, I’m sure I’ll survive ;)

  • read and understood :)

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