polls don't appear to creator

  • All Polldaddy polls–as presented within our blog, both published and yet-to-be-published–seem to appear on all screens and devices EXCEPT for the device/IP address which had posted them. In other words, when published they can be viewed everywhere but our office. This is very inconvenient because the polls themselves (their content) do not appear in the “WP Admin” screen either, merely a numeric Polldaddy ID.

    Because the polls continue to appear as normal, to everyone else in the world, when published, we have assumed this might be a WordPress issue, rather than Polldaddy’s. If so, could you assist us?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • -seem to appear on all screens and devices EXCEPT for the device/IP address which had posted them

    Please work through the list that follows and report your details back here.

    1. If you are not running one of the browsers and versions listed at http://browsehappy.com/ please try upgrading or switching first.

    2. If you are using an IE browser in compatibility mode please disable that mode. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/internet-explorer/use-compatibility-view

    3. If you are running one of the browsers and versions listed at http://browsehappy.com/
    (a) Try clearing your browser’s cache http://www.google.com/support/accounts/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=32050
    If applicable see here for instructions on how to clear the cache for Chrome and Safari on the iPad:
    (b) Make sure that you have both third-party cookies enabled and JavaScript enabled
    (c) Disable all browser extensions or add-ons temporarily. Know also that security and firewall programs and programs that run incognito mode may need to be temporarily disabled as well.
    (d) Try enabling HTTPS: http://en.support.wordpress.com/https/
    Add both *.wordpress.com and *.wp.com to your list of trusted sites under the Security tab. Make sure to uncheck the box for “Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone.” http://en.support.wordpress.com/https/#frequently-asked-questions

    4. You can use this link to see if your flash is up to date. http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ If it’s not then go to http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/ and download and install the latest version of flash.

    5. Try using another browser.

    6. If you are not successful please provide this specific info:
    (a) Exactly what kind of device you are using to connect to the internet and to WordPress.com.

    (b) Exactly which browser (and version of it) you’re using by checking here if necessary http://supportdetails.com/

    (c) Exactly what you experience including exactly what any error reports you receive state.

    (d) Screenshots can be helpful. You can use http://snag.gy/ or http://cloudup.com to share screenshots and link to them here. If you use the WordPress.com guide for screenshots http://en.support.wordpress.com/make-a-screenshot/ you can and upload it to your Media Library, and return to this thread to provide the file name so Staff can examine it.

    Note the message on the yellow background at the top of this and every forum page, please and be patient while waiting.

  • Hi there,

    I had a look at a few polls in your site and I see that you are blocking repeat-voting by cookie. It could be that the cookie that tracks whether you have voted on a poll is stuck in your browser. Please try deleting all browser cookies, or try a different browser as @timethief suggested, and see if that makes any difference.

    This is very inconvenient because the polls themselves (their content) do not appear in the “WP Admin” screen either, merely a numeric Polldaddy ID.

    Where are you looking for this? All your polls appear under Feedback ->Polls in the WP-Admin dashboard:

    From there you should be able to preview or edit any existing poll, as well as view the results.

    If you are unable to do that, please provide a screen shot of that screen, as well a screen shot of what you see when trying to view the actual poll on your site. You can find a detailed description of how to add a screen shot at the bottom of @timethief’s post above.

  • Hello, Timethief and Kokkieh, thanks so much for your great ideas! We’ll try them, in ascending order of difficulty, and get back to you re our results.

    What we can say right now: disabling the “repeat voting” cookie within WordPress has had no effect. We’ll leave it disabled, however. So we’ll move on from there, working through your recommendations.

    Incidentally, as I’m certain I wasn’t clear about precisely what was happening, we have always been able to view the overall listing of our polls and their texts, via the “Polls” section of the WordPress “WP Admin” page–to which you referred, Kokkieh–so that part of our situation is okay.

    And we have always been able to view the poll’s assigned number (by Polldaddy), upon the “Posts” screen in the “WP Admin” section. So that part is okay also, as we can discern that there’s a poll (if not the poll’s text).

    But when the actual blog page is viewed, in its public presentation, the page’s framework appears otherwise normal, including the listing of each poll’s categories and tags, except that solely the poll’s standard title, “Campanology,” appears. The space below is blank, the poll itself is not viewed in any way.

    So the upshot of this lack is that there is no simple way for the creator of the post to verify WHICH poll, from the listing in the “Polls” section, has subsequently appeared in WHICH post from the “Posts” section. Only via somehow doublechecking a lengthy numeric ID might this be done, from the home computer. This would be such a process that we haven’t yet attempted it!

    Working on my tablet, at the moment, equipped with solely a photo viewer, I seem to be unable to create a new screenshot image for you (via WordPress recommended method anyway). However, this is a cut-and-paste rendition of a typical page’s current appearance, at the creator’s location.

    January 7, 2016 by Filmbell

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    As you can see, the categories and framework are intact, but no poll appears beneath the title heading “Campanology.”

    Again, our gratitude for your kind assistance! We’ll keep you posted.

  • the page’s framework appears otherwise normal, including the listing of each poll’s categories and tags, except that solely the poll’s standard title, “Campanology,” appears. The space below is blank, the poll itself is not viewed in any way.

    This is most likely a browser issue or, if it appears on multiple computers, a network one.

    Please work through the browser troubleshooting steps @timethief provided. Also check with whoever maintains your network at the office if your firewall isn’t perhaps blocking access to PollDaddy, preventing your computer from fetching that data when you view the site.

  • Hello again, Timethief and Kokkieh, we can now report, for your reference, that the problem was not the Polldaddy cookie, nor was it the type of firewall. The sudden difficulty, to our surprise, would seem to lie, as Timethief had suggested, within our customary browser! We changed browsers, and kept its “privacy settings” as normal. Right away, on the secondary browser (Explorer), appeared the polls!

    Precisely what was the difficulty was with our initial browser (Firefox), we can now begin to investigate more systematically. We’ll adjust its settings, etcetera, and report again if we make progress with it.

    But, overall, we can label this “case closed,” due to your kind counsel regarding a browser incompatibility. We might only have stumbled into this quick solution without your help, in a few months or years, but then again we might never have. So thanks again, good advice.

  • I’m glad to hear that you’ve been able to narrow it down.

    I can tell you that I use Firefox and have never had problems with polls, so the most likely culprits would be a browser extension. Another option, albeit more difficult to track down, could be some custom setting in Firefox.

    You could try refreshing Firefox, which will remove all bookmarks and extensions, and reset all settings to the default. That should be the fastest way to check this, and it should save your bookmarks in a folder on your computer so you can restore them again afterwards.

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