
  • I have been trying to access the blog politedissent.com for several months now and every section now says error connecting to database. This blog had a wealth of information and it is a shame it is no longer accessible. I do not know the reason for it being down but if it is in fact an error it would be great if someone could check into it and bring it back online. Thanks.

  • Hi there,

    The website which you’ve mentioned here politedissent.com
    is using self-hosted version of the WordPress which is free and open source software available at WordPress.org

    If you’re not familiar with WordPress.com vs WodPress.org please read it here.
    This forum is dedicated to WordPress.com sites so can you please post your query here at WordPress.org forum

    Best Wishes.

  • Howdy –

    In addition to what vishalmukadam has already shared you may want to contact your hosting provider.

    We at WordPress.com do not have the necessary access to your site for trouble shooting as it is not on our service.

    Your site is currently pointed to hmdnsgroup.com.

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