Podcasting probs.

  • In this link, http://www.tomrafteryit.net/wordpress-podcasts-not-showing-up-fixed/ , the following steps are mentioned:-

    In the Write Post screen in WordPress, go to the Advanced section
    There, go to the bottom section labeled “Add a new custom field to this post”
    Where it says, “Key”, type “enclosure”
    Where it says, “Value”, enter the URL of the MP3 you wish to podcast
    Click Add Custom Field

    Where is the advanced section in the write post screen? I could not locate any.Please hel;lp

  • That refers to the downloaded version of WordPress which is different and it also refers to version 1.5.x which has never been used here.

  • Thanks.How does one do podcasting if one is not using the downloaded version?

    I uploaded the file through odeo.com and tried to insert the relevant code but nothing happened. How does one do it?Kindly help.



  • Type “odeo” into the forum search box and locate the answer to your question http://wordpress.com/forums/topic.php?id=2449&replies=9#post-14463

  • Thanks for the link. I didn’t understand the whole thing.

    The basic idea seems to be to link from the wordpress site rather than insrting code in the wordpress. Can you explain in simple language how to connect to Odeo channel. Where exactly do you add whatever you are supposed to add? Thanks.

    I am unfamiliar with Java.

  • Hi there,

    WordPress.com doesn’t support
    – javascript
    – embedded flash
    – iframes

    Javascript – can I use that on my blog?

    I’ll leave it to one of the “techie” types with podcasting experience to give you step by step instructions for putting an odeo link up. Basically though you are simply putting a link into a textbox.

  • Thanks for the info. Since I am not the “techie type”,I don’t understand the implications.

    I have seen people do even videopodcasting in wordpress. I dunno how they manage it. Take a look at this:-


    Whether you do it with odeo or whatever, it is the end result that matters. Please let me know to do this or audio podcasting. Thanks.

  • You can post YouTube videos, Google videos, and Grouper videos. NO OTHER TYPES. To get specific instructions on using any of those, type them into the search forum box and follow the instructions.

    Odeo is NOT possible on WordPress at all.

  • Hiren, there’s links in the FAQ on how to do video castings with the three systems allowed.

    We’ve had folks work out methods of doing podcasts in the past. I think just adding in a link to teh file is the way to go. Here’s an example of how someone does their own.

    Hope this helps,

  • Thanks, drmike. that was quite comprehesive.

    I learnt from somebody that you cnnot do podcasting using wordpress but can do videopodcasting through it using youtubes.com. He said that for podcasting, you need wp on your own domain-wp.org but videopodcasting can be done on wp.com. Is this true?

  • Have a look at my blog. I have done it the simplist way possible. I used the Text widget(from presentation area) and used html code to link to my podcast page and feed.

    Supposedly you can embed a video from youtube, google, or grouper. I have not really tried that though.Embedding a video is not that same as podcasting I should point out.A podcast has a feed.A embedded video is just a embedded video.

    “I have seen people do even videopodcasting in wordpress. I dunno how they manage it. Take a look at this:-


    This is not a podcast,it is embedded videos.A podcast has it’s own seperate feed apart from the blog. The difference really is in how it is a seen/heard by people. A podcast can be seen/heard by people using a rss reader and therefore can be subscribed to.


  • Thanks for pointing out the difference. I did not know that.

  • I wish they would make a easy way to put podcast in wordpress.

  • I find odeo real simple: just upload the mp3 to my odeo page & paste that adress into the text of a new post. Never had a problem, except odeo has gotten pretty slow lately…

  • You should check out where I have my podcast setup. It was so easy to set it up so that people could subscribe through ITunes. I have over 60 subscribers and have only been there a week.Not bad considering the only thing I have loaded up thus far have been audio podcasts.

    @ rain, Glad I could help. It is a common misconception though.Many do not realize that a video without a feed is only reaching a small portion of the availble audience out there.

  • Thanks a lot, everybody. So far I have not been successful but I shall try and get back to you later. Thanks again.

  • Hi Hiren,
    I have two podcast with wordpress and haven’t got any problem (till now)
    I do podcasting useing wordpress, ourmedia (for audio hosting) and feedburner (for rss feeds). Its working without any hassles. Initially I read this thread and thought its not possible to do podcasting with wordpress. But it is working for me (and others also). I really don’t understand this thread (Is it related with wordpress. org?)

  • You still are not really doing it here(ourmedia and feedburner you said you use).I think the issue here was that some did not get what a podcast is.That is more than just posting/embedding a video to your blog.You cannot post a mp3 here and have it generate a seperate feed that people can view with a rss reader.The same goes for video,while you can embed it here,it will not generate a rss feed.

    You basically create your podcast elsewhere and port it to here.

  • How does one do podcasting if one is not using the downloaded version?

    That was heren’s question…and i think this is the only solution (and most of podcaster do the same way as I do).
    Basically, you can’t upload audio files on wordpress. so you should have third party to do that (and Ourmedia is best solution). For RSS feed generation wordpress can do that (but I haven’t used that so I am not that sure). Feedburner is good option to generate rss feeds. And people can subscribe to your podcast with feedburners rss feed…

  • @drmike – another circular thread – care to help?

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