Podcast duration not showing up in podcast app

  • Hi,

    I have finally been able to submit my podcast feed I created using wordpress.com to the iTunes store. The problem I have now is that the “duration” of each episode shows up as “?” rather than the actual duration. When I look it up on iTunes, the “time” field is blank… I guess I need to edit some tag/info somewhere, but I’m not sure what to do!

    The feed can goes through http://feeds.podtrac.com/zD751f7YMZrM ; the original can be found here http://stuffwhatyoutellme.com/category/podcasts/feed/

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Also a related problem:

    On every other app I have tried, the description of each episode is what I have put in the “excerpt” of the post. The only exception is apple’s “podcasts” app, where the entire post gets published. There is quite a lot of writing in each post which I really don’t want to show up in that app, I just want the “excerpt”. Any idea what is going wrong?

  • Sorry for multiple messages, this forum doesn’t seem to allow editing. Just to clarify, the latter problem also occurs on “overcast”.

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