Podcast Duration Not Showing Up in iTunes or Podcast Apps

  • Hello, I have looked at a lot of podcast-related issues but I haven’t seen this one specifically addressed yet.

    My podcast, hosted on WordPress, is in the iTunes store AND the Android app I use successfully! Hooray! However, the length of each episode does not show up in either place.

    My thinking is that I need to edit the RSS feed somehow, but I don’t have an idea about how to do that successfully?

    The audio files are hosted by WordPress itself as I have a premium account. Thanks for your attention!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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  • Hi there,

    Thanks for that feedback! The duration of each podcast episode does need to be included in your podcast’s RSS feed to appear in iTunes. However, it isn’t possible to edit RSS feeds directly at WordPress.com.

    I’ve passed this along to our team, with the recommendation to add the required tag to podcast feeds so iTunes will show the duration of your episodes. I can’t promise if or when our team will make that change, but if we receive any more requests from podcasters looking for that feature we can certainly pass along those requests as well and highlight the demand for it. :)

  • Thank you for your prompt reply! Even though this does not resolve my issue, I am satisfied knowing that I did everything I could for the time being.

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