Plugin Tab and Image Issue

  • I signed up for a free account at My problem is that I don’t have a PLUGIN tab whenever I go to my ADMIN page. I found my PLUGIN KEY, I just can’t find my PLUGIN tab. My question is, does a free account at NOT include a PLUGIN tab in the ADMIN page? Or do I need to look for it elsewhere?

    Also, when I view my blog on a Mac with Safari and click on the image thumbnails, Safari downloads the picture onto my desktop instead of viewing it on the browser. Is this a problem with Safari or is there an option in the wordpress editor that I can use or something that I can do to fix the problem?

  • You don’t have access to plugins on the hosted version of WordPress.

    Plugins are available only when you download and install the WordPress engine on your own.

    The hosted version of WordPress uses a version of WordPress called WordPress Mu – it’s WordPress but an optimised version that allows many people to the same server.
    This version is different in many ways:
    Themes use the Smarty Templating Engine (for performance)
    Themes are shared – the theme files exist in only one place and are available for everybody
    The actual code (php in this case) exists in one place and are shared for everybody. Magic and fairy dust make it look like there are separate pages for everybody.

    Because everything is shared – implementing plugins is very difficult – as many plugins aren’t savvy about the differences in WPMu. The same reason applies to templates – each template has to be changed manually to support the Smarty Engine. As this is done by the devs – it takes time. The time they spend on changing templates – is less time to fix bugs and to improve the code.

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