plug ins and add or upload theme

  • i want to add social media plugin so that I can have buttons to social media at the bottom of each post on my blog but my admin page doesn’t have a tab for it. It also doesn’t have an option to upload a theme.

  • Hello latinafit,

    With you have the ability to show Social Media links at the bottom of your posts — see tips and tutorials on how to set them up at Sharing. You can add Twitter, Facebook, etc there — both to publicize your posts to your social networks, and also to allow your readers to share your posts as well.

    Themes and plugins can’t be uploaded to, however. That’s a feature of self-hosted blogs through You can find out more about customizing your blog’s appearance here:

    On we offer 200 plus themes, you can view all of our themes at and filter them by specific criteria under “Find a Theme”.


  • Thanks for taking the time to answer I’m going to look over the links you provided. You’re awesome lance!

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