Pls help with The difference between Javascripts and html code

  • Hi world,
    A new member has just pop in.After going through FAQ i noticed that javascripts
    from other sources are a complete “NO” with wordpress.Of course,i dont want to get kicked
    to the kerb and i am wondering if html codes from other sources like CJ are allowed since
    the prohibition seem to be with javascripts.I am really wondering if i can use html code
    from commission junction.
    Best regards

  • Javascripts are those HTML codes contained within <script> tags.

    Please note that JavaScripts are allowed with WordPress, they’re just not allowed here at Please note the difference. If you want javascripts, then your best bet would be to grab a copy of the software and find yourself a host.

    Just another heads up. Adverts are currently not allowed here at This is mentioned in the FAQ

    Hope this helps,

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