Please refund $26 for me

  • I want to map my domain to wordpress, it said that I must upgrade, okay, I upgraded with $99, and I found that I misstake domain, It is nothing where to change my domain, so I decide make cancel, and you refund me only $86. What remain $13?
    Then I try to map our right domain, and I must upgrade again with $99, after create some page, I found that I need multi language for my site, and I found that you dont support it, I must install Plugin, stupid is plugin only available in Premium business. wtf? I make cancel, and again I just got refund $86.
    I lost $26 just within 1 hour, wordpress is cool, but the way you limit is stupid, I want you return me $26 right now!!!

  • It has all now been refunded to you.


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