Please help me with my new blog

  • I have a new blog. It is located here:

    I have eight posts. My first six posts were showing up in reader under the keyword search Kim Hyun Joong. As they should because my articles are all about Kim Hyun Joong. I have asked for help here twice. The first time I got no responses. The second time TimeThief sent me a reply saying I should write some original content, and tagged my question as spam and some other upsetting things…

    Well, I am not a spammer. I am a new blogger and don’t know what I did that caused my blog to become viewed as spam. I can assure you it is not. I have posted 8 original content posts and I had readers coming to my site and leaving comments and everything was happy and fine until this spam label got placed on me.

    Please help me get this removed. Please ask me any questions you need to to prove my site is not spam! I was loving blogging until this craziness started.

    Blog url:

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You’re not labelled a spammer. Your blog is fine. The only potential problem I see is that you are using your blog name as a tag. While this makes sense, unfortunately staff have sometimes penalized blogs for doing that. It’s probably better not to. That MAY be why your last two posts haven’t shown up in the Reader, but there are also hundreds, literally hundreds, of people reporting they are not showing in the reader either when they should be. There’s a glitch of some kind going around.

  • thank you for your kind reply. I will remove my those tags and some others that may be excessive. TimeThief said if I do this my posts should reappear in reader after a few days. Hopefully this will fix it. Thanks for your kind reply.

  • The very last post has I think only 9 tags. Ten is fine, it’s just that you run into trouble with more than that.

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