Please help me find the code`

  • I am a complete wordpress novice. My (our) site is We have just started this.

    I am unable to find the HTML code where i can add functionalities like stat counter!

    Where do I find it?!! If I look at the presentation tab…I dont find the html code just a list of other templates..

  • Greets:

    To add in a stat counter, best bet would be to add it via a widget.

    Dashboard -> Presentation -> Sidebar Widgets.

    You should see one labeled Blog Stats.

    You need to slide that block over to your sidebar.

    Since you’re new, you may want to take the time and read through the FAQ blog. It would probably keep you from some frustation later on. :)

    Hope this helps,

  • Drmike.

    Thanks for the quick response. I am going through the FAQs but I still cannot find the HTML code! (like the template in blogger) So does this mean I cannot edit my code? Or should I upgrade to a later version?

    Or is it paid!

  • and thanks I have added the statcounter via the widgets!

    Plugins allow you to add new features to your WordPress blog that don’t come standard with the default installation.

    What do I do?!

  • Plugins are not allowed. You may want to hit this post and compare the normal WordPress software that one would download and host elsewhere vs the WordPress MultiUser software that we run here.

    Hope this helps,

  • okay. thanks a lot for that update! :)

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