Please help me

  • Why my post doesn’t appear in wordpress tags ?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Your blog is a brand new blog. All reasons for non-appearance of posts on Topics IE. Categories and Tags pages can be found here >

    5. Your blog is very new. It can take a few days before new blogs are included on tag pages. Brand new blogs might not have enough posts for us to accurately determine whether or not they’re spam.

    The combined total of categories and tags on any post must not exceed 15 or it will not display on Categories and Tags pages and in the WordPress.COM Reader.

    If you have assigned a combined total that exceeds 15 relevant Categories/Tags to your posts, you need to edit and delete. After removal of the excess categories and/or tags note it may take several days for your posts to begin displaying there.

    Also note that posts do not display in the Reader forever. Posts only display in the WordPress.COM Reader for 60 days.

    Exactly which posts on exactly which blog are not appearing in the Reader? Please provide the URLs.

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