Please help… cannot get images to load at correct size

  • Whatever change they did — on purpose or by mistake — took place on the 20th. Posts before then did not have dimension specs in them as they do now.

  • Mike,

    The procedure for adding a large image is shown here:

    How do I add a large sized image to my post?

    It inserts the image at your theme’s maximum width (or 400px if the theme doesn’t have a fixed width) so that it’s a manageable size in the editor. You can use the corner anchors to resize it to any size you like without distorting the aspect ratio.

  • Listen, bugger that!

    It was working PROPERLY before the 20th. Who is the meathead that thought CHANGING it was a good frikkin idea?

    Shove those anchor points. The damned code should KNOW wtf my theme’s width is — BlogDesk knows it and it’s not even from WP!

  • I have added an Update 7 to my post. You can see my full disapproval there:

    HOWTO: Upload Photos To WordPress 2.5

  • Mike,

    I just tested and re-tested and I get a correctly sized 450px wide image with the Sapphire theme. If you’re seeing something different can you please be specific? If there’s something incorrect in that FAQ, can you please tell me what it is?

  • Tellyworth: Support emailed me to tell me this is a known problem.

    This is my reply to them today (the next day):

    It’s now the next day. I’ve just inserted an image. I see it’s still implanting dimensions, but this time the width is correct! Excellent! Thank you!


    I really and truly wish there was a Bug Blog that we could all turn to, so we could see that WP *knows* of such things. It would have saved a great deal of wear and tear on my soul!

  • I had similar problems and finally, after fiddling and dealing with frustrations for the better part of a day, I realized I had to edit the CSS of my theme. It took most of the rest of the day to figure out how to do that, and then after all that when I went to save the new CSS it told me free blogs are not allowed to do that. GRRRRRRRRR!

  • Now I see why Mike got the “rest” from the forums he is currently enjoying.

    I have since found an easier way to do this. Put the image into your blog, “full size”, then click the Image icon and delete “Class” info and size info. It automatically goes to real full size.

  • Rain, that’s at least a half-baked solution.
    What would be best is if WP didn’t feel the need to think this through FOR us. Or, at least, as with many of the other features, give us a damm check box so we can OPT OUT of automatic image resizing.

    It’s one of those “features” that “bugs” smart people
    and dumb people aren’t smart enough to appreciate.

  • Why, thank you. You know how hard I work for you.

  • Hi there! I just thought I would throw my hat into the ring on this one. Before placing your images on file to upload, you should be able to resize them in whatever “paint” program you have by going to Image…Change image size. I find with widgets in the side I can only go to 520 pixels wide max. The other thing is – supposing you have placed images in your post that are too big or too small…in edit post mode, click on the centre of the image and pull the little boxes in or out to where you want them size-wise. You can make the edit page full size by using the appropriate icon which makes it easier to see what you are doing. Get it right, then click SAVE. Good luck – hope this helps. Julie

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