Please bring back Topics page

  • I poked around to see the best place to leave feedback, and I didn’t have much luck, so I’m posting here.

    My favorite way of finding new blogs to read was the Topics page. I just noticed that Topics has been moved to my reader, and I don’t like it. Having to scroll through makes searches more time-consuming, and posts get buried immediately. I am less likely to look for new blogs to read if this is the only format through which to find them.

    Is there a way that I can set my preferences so that I can see topics as thumbnails again?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I totally agree. It;s annoying to keep scrolling as new entries just keep showing up on top of each other. Would much rather pick and choose what to read from the old Topics page.

  • I don’t like the Topics in My Reader either, especially as I never really look at that tab anyway. I thought I had clicked on the wrong tab until I tried it again. I also liked finding new blogs in the Topics page. It was easier to see 12 or 15 blog entries on one page as apposed to seeing 3 or 4 that take up the whole page.

    Please don’t fix things if they ain’t broke!

  • Really don’t like it either!

    It was so much easier to browse in the old format. The way its been changed to now is just clunky and annoying.

  • I see this ate the top of the Topics page:

    This Topics tab will be replaced by Explore Topics in your Reader

  • I clicked too soon. I have no need for a Topics page of any kind. I know what the URL format will be for topics I’m interested in and I type it firectly into my upper browser bar and click. Example:

  • The new reader format for the topics page lags horribly on my computer. I also browse topics, especially the fiction one so I can find new bloggers to follow, but it lags so terribly after seven or eight posts that I can’t use the topics reader at all. Please allow users to switch back to the older interface; it’s actually much easier to browse posts under selected topics that way than to have to scroll down the reader page and wait for new posts to load.

  • Yet another nonsensical change. I gave up after 10 minutes of waiting for it to load, and watching the little circle spinning almost sent me insane. I hate it and will never use it, so no more Topic searching for me. So the bloggers lose out.

  • Exactly. I find at least one or two new bloggers to follow each week by checking out the fiction topics section, and leave comments/likes all the time, but I won’t be doing that anymore if I can’t even get the page to load. Glad I’m not the only one having lag issues.

  • Please bring back old format Topics page. new one is very difficult

  • Someone in another topic thread also brought up a good point: this new layout isn’t conducive to browsing photo-based topics like photography, gardening, food, etc. With so many large images to load the lag time is even worse and it takes longer to scan the entries for those you want to read.

  • YUK!

    It’s really clunky. I gave up after about a minute. Why anyone would want to mimic the user-unfriendly style of a Tumblr blog is beyond me.

    The original Topics page style was like reading a newspaper or a noticeboard, so you could flick through and get instant information at a glance.

    This is like wading through mud.

  • I agree. The old Topic format was fantastic. The new format is slow and it makes it difficult to find anything that wasn’t posted 30 seconds ago.

  • WordPress design team really shot the dog on this one..
    If topic thumbnails are not re-activated or at least I am give an option of what format I want to use me and my blogs will be looking for a more blogger friendly host very soon.

  • This is the worst idea I’ve ever seen. It’s worse than a Tumblr dashboard.

    What on earth would persuade WP to complicate and bring to a virtual stop a system that apparently was suiting everyone? It’s ridiculous. I gave up after a long wait for the scrolling to work. It never did.

    It’s ridiculous. I can’t imagine spending one second more on the WP topics if they stay this way. Too bad. It means I won’t be seeing lots of good bloggers I might want to Like, Comment or Subscribe to. Truly, this is insane.

  • I’m just adding a thought to my earlier comment. One of the things we don’t have yet is an explanation from WP as to why they’ve made this change. Since they are usually so great and responsive, perhaps there’s something here we’re missing?

  • There seems to be a change in the top right notification icon too… perhaps they’re editing a few things at once.

  • I really do not like this at all. Most of the time the page never loads. I also don’t like that it shows videos and pictures and an excerpt when I just want a list of titles of posts to look through. It’s very cluttered, in my opinion.

    I did find that logging out and then clicking the wordpress tags takes it to the old version. I hope at least that stays, but it will require me to log in and out throughout the day.

  • I like the old topic page better. I like to skip through to ones I like to read and the new way will take way to long to get through them and are not even loading. Please bring back the old topic page.

  • I like the old topic page better too. Easier to find new blogs and the ones which stand out among the rest. Please bring the old format back.

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