play mp3 but restrict downloads

  • hi,

    i am new to wordpress … i have successfully set up the site but want to be able to do the following: i want to allow free visitors to play mp3 files embedded in the pages but only let paid members be able to download them

    i currently am using a plugin that automatically allows me to add links to mp3 links to the page contents and the widget adds whatever a gui to allow visitors to play the mp3 online

    the problem then is that bu right clicking on the link, visitors can download the mp3 file but i only want to make the download available to paid members

    any ideas how i could set that up?

    thanks for your time


  • Since you are using a self-hosted version of WordPress, and not on, your best bet is to post your request here:

    Also, since you are using the plugin, you should contact the authors of the plugin, since if there is a way to do what you wish, or plans to add that feature, they’d be most likely to know.

  • thank you for your reply (and understanding) … did not know there was difference between and

    i will follow up your suggestion



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