Plane Theme Questions And Recommendations

  • Hello,

    I have some questions and recommendations for the new Plane theme (; which is a nice theme by the way. :)

    1. Are there any plans on adding Hover Text (text that shows when you hover the mouse cursor over something) for the Search Button and Menu Button that will show what those buttons/symbols represent/are so that people who do not recognize those symbols/buttons will know what they are/what they represent?

    If not, I would like to recommend that hover text be added for those, because not everyone recognizes or knows what every button/symbol represents, and I think that developers should always identify things like that when possible.

    2. Are there any plans on adding Timestamps for posts as hover text when you put the mouse cursor over the date so that people will know the exact time that a post was created?

    If not, I would like to recommend that hover text for timestamps for posts be added, because some of us like to know not only the date but what time a post/page was created.

    3. I noticed that the Plane theme ignores custom sizing of certain widgets (Gravatar, Authors, and probably other widgets that have an option to adjust their size) and it makes them all the same small size, are there any plans on fixing this so that our custom sizing of those widgets are not ignored?

    If not, I would like to recommend that this is fixed so that widgets with custom size options show at the sizes that we set, because currently they are showing up too small in my opinion, and this breaks the custom size functionality (if that made any sense :D).

    4. The font for the Plane theme in the Visual Editor for the Classic Editor is smaller than the actual font when viewing it on your blog, which is possibly related to this problem that I reported before (, are there any plans on fixing this?

    If not, I would like to recommend that this is fixed for this theme and other themes with this problem, even if it means using a different font as long as it is a readable font in a large enough size like the body font and font size for the Twenty Fifteen theme or News or The Daily Post.

    5. Links/Captions for images/et cetera that are beyond a certain size/length glitch across the theme example: (; are there any plans on fixing this?

    If not, I would like to recommend that this is fixed even though using clickable links is recommended, but sometimes I use links instead so it would be nice to not have them glitch across the theme when they are longer than normal. ;)

    I just started using/trying/testing this theme an hour ago so I might have some more questions and recommendations later that I will possibly ask/mention on this topic if I find more issues, but this is all for now. ;)

    Thank you,
    -John Jr

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Thanks for the reports here JohnJrOnline! Please see below.

    Are there any plans on adding Hover Text (text that shows when you hover the mouse cursor over something) for the Search Button and Menu Button that will show what those buttons/symbols represent/are so that people who do not recognize those symbols/buttons will know what they are/what they represent?

    Suggested! I’ll keep you posted.

    Are there any plans on adding Timestamps for posts as hover text when you put the mouse cursor over the date so that people will know the exact time that a post was created?

    As this feature isn’t built into any of our recent themes, I don’t believe it’s going to make an appearance in Plane.

    I noticed that the Plane theme ignores custom sizing of certain widgets (Gravatar, Authors, and probably other widgets that have an option to adjust their size) and it makes them all the same small size, are there any plans on fixing this so that our custom sizing of those widgets are not ignored?

    Replicated and reported!

    The font for the Plane theme in the Visual Editor for the Classic Editor is smaller than the actual font when viewing it on your blog, which is possibly related to this problem that I reported before (, are there any plans on fixing this?

    They look pretty similar in size to me when I look here:

    Is that the same thing you’re seeing?

    Links/Captions for images/et cetera that are beyond a certain size/length glitch across the theme example: (; are there any plans on fixing this?

    This looks like it might just be an issue with links within captions. Here’s a long caption that I used that appears to be wrapping correctly:

    Can you try this with a long caption as well that doesn’t include a link (or doesn’t include a long one) to see if you experience the same thing?

  • Hello Jeremeylduvall,

    You are welcome. :)

    1. Good, thank you.

    2. Okay, that is unfortunate, I would like to recommend that timestamps make a return in future themes at least as hover text when the mouse cursor is over the date.

    3. Great, thank you.

    4. No, in the Classic Editor for me on Firefox 34 on Windows 8.1 it looks about one or two sizes smaller for me.

    5. So far it only seems to happen with captions that have long links beyond a certain length, some other themes have this problem as well like Hemingway Rewritten et cetera, where they can not properly handle long links in captions.

    Thank you,
    -John Jr

  • About #4:

    To me the font looks one or two sizes smaller on the Classic Editor and on the New Editor compared to how it looks on my blog, but I could be wrong.

    I made an album with three screenshots comparing the three, if you click on each image separately you will see it better, it is not a huge difference like with themes like Hemingway Rewritten/et cetera; but it is a slight one or two sizes difference possibly:

    Thank you,
    -John Jr

  • @johnjronline

    So far it only seems to happen with captions that have long links beyond a certain length, some other themes have this problem as well like Hemingway Rewritten et cetera, where they can not properly handle long links in captions.

    Thanks! I’ll try to reproduce this in other themes and file a bug report as necessary.

    To me the font looks one or two sizes smaller on the Classic Editor and on the New Editor compared to how it looks on my blog, but I could be wrong.

    You’re correct; the editor font is actually 93.75% of the text size. This was set intentionally for the theme.

  • Hello Jeremeylduvall,

    You are welcome, thank you, and feel free to use the example that I gave to test this (I used it myself when testing some of the free themes in the past to see if they had this problem or not, unfortunately I did not record which themes had this problem, but I know there are others that have this problem). :)

    Why set the size smaller intentionally when it is already not a large font size (at its full size it is barely large enough for me, and anything smaller it is becomes a bit too small for me), that makes it harder to read for people like me and others who have problems with smaller sized fonts (reading, eye strain, et cetera), can they please make it 100% for both editors like it should be/like it is supposed to be?

    That small percentage increase helps/makes a difference for people like me, and I see no reason not to have it at its full size for this theme or any theme; and I think that all themes should have a font that is at least large enough for a larger amount of people to read without problems (the size does not have to be huge, but larger than the small text trend).

    Thank you,
    -John Jr

  • Hi @johnjronline:

    Regarding #1 (Search icon hover text) –

    Since this has no impact from an accessibility point of view and the icon is used widely across the internet for search, we will not be adding hover text.

    Regarding #3 (size of gravatar images) –

    This has been fixed.

    Regarding #4 (font size) –

    While this is set to 93.75%, it’s set that way to match the size of the font on the front end. I just double-checked with our theme designers.

    Regarding #5 (links in captions) –

    This should be fixed as well.

  • Hello Jeremeylduvall,

    1. That is unfortunate :( , you will be surprised how many people do not recognize many common symbols/icons/et cetera and how many people prefer them to have labels to identify them, but thank you for letting me know.

    3. Good, thank you. :)

    4. What does that mean exactly (especially the front end)?
    (I just want to make sure that I understood that correctly ;) )

    Also thank you for answering that.

    I know that this will probably not be changed (different developers have their own opinions on fonts and font sizes) but I still would like to recommend font sizes that are large enough for the general population now and in the future for themes, I recommend that the developers consider this using examples like News and The Daily Post and The Twenty Fifteen theme as examples of readable and large enough fonts, and when in doubt imagine the quiet voice of John Jr haunting/in your dreams whispering: “That font is not readable or large enough: remember/think of/consider the visually impaired, the elderly, the eye strained, the general population, common sense web design, the less fortunate, those with smaller and/or low quality screens, the children, et cetera.”. :D

    5. Great, that was a surprise because they did not fix this for Hemingway Rewritten or the other themes with this problem back when I reported it before, so thank you very much. :)

    Thank you,
    -John Jr

  • 4. What does that mean exactly (especially the front end)?
    (I just want to make sure that I understood that correctly ;) )

    The styling of the font size in the editor has been adjusted to match how the font will look when you view the actual page on the Plane theme. “Front end” just means how the theme will appear when regular users view the site.

    As for the readability of the fonts, keep in mind you can always change the font size and color using the Custom Design upgrade:

  • Hello Jeremeylduvall,

    4. Okay, thank you for clarifying that.

    I forgot to mention the Custom Design Upgrade earlier so that it would not be mentioned because I know about it already, but thank you for mentioning it; but I doubt that I will ever pay for that just to be able to adjust the font and font size on a few free themes just to make them a them large enough and/or readable enough like they should already be, maybe if I only had to pay a one time/lifetime fee, but I would not want to pay monthly or every year for it/that.

    Honestly, I think that there should be a free option to only slightly increase or decrease fonts sizes a few sizes (two or three sizes maybe), and the Custom Design Upgrade can be the paid option for people who want to change fonts and adjust the font sizes with more control/options and make other bigger changes to their blogs.

    Also I think that readability should be something that the developers consider when making themes, and not put that burden on the viewers/et cetera; but that those are just my opinions/recommendations/thoughts/ideas/et cetera.

    6. On Firefox 34 on Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS the font and font size for Plane are different and smaller it seems (probably Times New Roman in an even smaller font than on Windows 8.1), my guess is that font is not available on Ubuntu and so it is just using Times New Roman in a smaller size instead, do you think that is correct or am I imaging things?

    Also what font and font sizes does the Plane theme use anyway?

    Thank you,
    -John Jr

  • Also I think that readability should be something that the developers consider when making themes, and not put that burden on the viewers/et cetera; but that those are just my opinions/recommendations/thoughts/ideas/et cetera.

    I definitely agree with you here, and I promise our designers to think about these things when creating a new theme. I feel like the readability is pretty solid for the theme:

    While the font size is a bit smaller than Twenty Fifteen, Plane still has decent line spacing and solid contrast between the background and the font.

    On Firefox 34 on Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS the font and font size for Plane are different and smaller it seems (probably Times New Roman in an even smaller font than on Windows 8.1), my guess is that font is not available on Ubuntu and so it is just using Times New Roman in a smaller size instead, do you think that is correct or am I imaging things?

    Hmm it appears to be working correctly for me in Firefox. Can you load this page and see if the font appears correctly?

    That’s the font used by Plane within the body text.

    Also what font and font sizes does the Plane theme use anyway?

    Plane uses Noto Serif in size 15px for the body text.

  • Hello Jeremeylduvall,

    To me the font itself is readable enough but it would be nice if the font size was one or two sizes larger but on the blog it is barely large enough for me (any smaller and it would be too small for me), but in the editors it is too small for me; and so my main problem is in the editors and not on the blog for this theme.

    In the editors the font is a bit smaller for/to me so it causes me problems where I make more errors, I miss more errors, it is harder for me to read, and other negative effects/affects; and so I switched back to Twenty Fourteen until Twenty Fifteen comes out soon (maybe this week).

    Other than that and my other complaints on this topic, the Plane theme is a nice theme, but I just need the font to be a bit larger in the editors for me to use again until Twenty Fifteen comes out (yes, I could just use the zoom option, but I prefer not to when possible).

    I also liked Hemingway Rewritten but the small and incorrect font problem in the editor combined with other problems (the link problem, it can not properly size linked/hot-linked images that are beyond a certain size so the responsiveness only works properly for images in the Media Library, and several other problems/annoyances) prevented me from continuing to use it; with a few improvements Hemingway Rewritten and Plane would probably be my top two general purpose free themes of the year.

    There are some themes that definitely have fonts that are too small even on the blog and some with fonts that are not as readable, and some are even smaller and even less readable in the editor because of a problem that effects/affects certain themes using certain fonts it seems (Hemingway Rewritten and several other themes have this problem in the editor).

    Anyway, I will not waste more of your time about that. ;)

    I went to that link that you gave me and I think that it is working there, I could be wrong, will there be a warning or something like that if it is not working?

    Thank you,
    -John Jr

  • I went to that link that you gave me and I think that it is working there, I could be wrong, will there be a warning or something like that if it is not working?

    There wouldn’t be a warning. It should just look like this:

  • Yep, that is how it looks for me, so it is working, so I guess that it is just that the font for Plane is a bit too small for me unfortunately.

    Thank you for the help/support though Jeremeylduvall, I look forward to the release of Twenty Fifteen, and I am sure that I will have some questions and recommendations for it as well. ;)

    -John Jr

  • You are welcome Jeremeylduvall. :)

    -John Jr

  • Hiya! I am loving the theme but have an issue with the header. When I upload at 2000 px wide, it gets cropped to 1000 and then looks soft focus. As a lot of devices are high-res now, I don’t understand why the theme doesn’t allow a high-res upload and adjust for the device as with photos in posts e.g. I can upload a 2000 px wide photo and the them will adjust it to a smaller size.

    Also, when I set up the custom header on my computer so is looks right at 100% zoom, on my brother’s computer at 100%, my tagline is way too far down in the header, not enough space around it?

  • I have figured it out. Needed to use the logo function and not put the logo on the background image. Looks crisp and lovely again, and the issue with the zoom is resolved.

  • That was fast, good for you Mikekinnaird2001, thank you for the update. ;)

    -John Jr

  • Thank you for this awesome theme. I have waited a long time for it, could never find one I really liked, til now :-)

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