Pinterest PIN IT widget – how do I insert ?

  • How do I insert a Pinterest PIN IT link? Sorry, am not tech savvy so have no idea how to do this.
    Thank you

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    It sounds like you want to have a Pinterest share link at the bottom of your posts. You can do this through your dashboard at Settings > Sharing. Just drag the Pinterest button from ‘Available services’ to ‘Enabled services.’

    Add Social Share Buttons

    There a few different options for how these buttons will display. Your choices are

    – Icon + text
    – Icon only
    – Text only
    – Official buttons

    If you choose ‘Official buttons’ your buttons will display the number of shares in real-time on your blog, as reported by the specific service. This will also make the Pinterest button say ‘Pin it’ instead of ‘Pinterest,’ as you can see here:

    There are a couple other ways that you can integrate your Pinterest account with your site:

    1. You can verify your website with Pinterest! This will give you a little bit more information about the visitors who get to your blog through Pinterest:

    2. You can embed your Pinterest profile, boards, or individual pins. We have some directions on how to do this here:

    Let me know if I can help with anything else!

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