pingbacks = add commments to pages at random!

  • Starting yesterday, every time I add a new page I get a “pingback” – but this pingback automatically adds things to one of my pages as a comment (at random)!

    I kept one of those comments for support to check it out on Monday:


  • If in your Admin => Options => Discussion you have the following turned on, it will happen:

    # Attempt to notify any blogs linked to from the article (slows down posting.)
    # Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks.)

    If you link to your own article, it will send a trackback to it as a comment. Not much you can do about it as the option to not have this happen to your own blog isn’t an option here.


  • Thanks, Trent.
    Why did this just start yesterday? (I’m with wordpress for 7 months and I did not change anything in the admin pages yesterday.)
    And pingback sends comments to pages I did NOT link to … a bit weird.

  • Could you give another example with a pingback from one article to another? I didn’t see a comment on the example you gave?


  • No …? I see it. This is it, I copied it from the page:

    One Response to “08 Boissonnas Smyrna 1919”


  • You do have a link to that post on that page though. That is why it is doing it. I might have recently showed up if you recently edited or changed that post.



  • This might be it. I just realise that I probably gave away things to the public with copying the email (above) for you which I should not have done … can you erase the email above please from the forum page?
    If so, please thank you! Theo

  • I got it for you.


  • “I got it for you.”
    Sorry, Trent, I don’t understand. The thread is still complete, with email and the URLs.

  • Actually no. I edited the thread above to not have the correct IP address, changed the blog URL and removed the email address. Am I missing something?


    Edit That “really” should do it :)

  • Also, pingbacks have a funny way of showing up after the fact. Some show up right away, some take hours, days, or even months. I don’t know why this is.

  • OK, Trent, maybe I was to fast in reacting, since I still had the old thread on my screen. But now the information is gone. Thank you very much! Theo

  • By the way, if I change ANYTHING on my start page, just adding a simple word is enough (I’m not talking about changing or attaching a LINK), I immediately get a random comment in two or three pages that are linked to the start page (and I get an automatic mail too, thanks …). The comment is usually just a few lines from the start page. I usually just go and delete the comments, but it is a bit stupid … Theo

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