Pingback with someone elses name listed as author

  • Can someone help me with this. I’m new at this and still working to get an understanding of the processes.

    I’ve received two pingbacks. The first went to a unknown site talking about a loosely related site and then today I received a Pingback listed with someone elses name as the author. When I follow the links it comes back to my page. Both of these showed up in Akismet Spam site.

    Are these spam and how do you keep others from using your stuff with their name?

    What is the best way to handle this? Is this

    Prayer is Prayer … or is it Prayer? | | IP:

    […] Morris Vig wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptA sudden need arises and we call out to God in “Prayer”. A family member is taken ill or has a bad turn of affairs and we go to God in “Prayer”. The day has gone well, the sun is shining and all seems right with the world and we lift … […]

  • They are sploggers. They steal content and post it as their own.

    You can’t do anything/much about it. If it is hosted on a domain ( then you can report it as spam. Otherwise, you can try to contact the web site’s host provider, but most of the time the hosts aren’t very responsive.

    There’s a pretty good blog here at (I forget the name of it), that talks about sploggers and your options with dealing with them.

  • Thanks jamesewelch, appreciate your thoughts. Will look for the site you mentioned.

  • You can do something about it — if your post has been copied in whole or part without permission, send a DMCA copyright infringement notice as instructed here:

  • Thank you Tellyworth, appreciate the information. Will follow up on it.

  • Oh, I got those for a couple of times and was wondering why do they do that. But since they do link back to my blog, I just deleted the pingbacks. Wonder why do they set up a blog specially to steal from other people…

  • To make money from advertising. If you REALLY want to hurt them, report them to Google if they are running adsense. These people often have many blogs, and if Google pulls their Adsense account they have no reason to keep blogging. You may have to report them several times, but Google does seem to take their accounts away after about a week of pestering. They’ll also ask for a DMCA notice.

    Report them to google by clicking on the Ads By Google line on their Adsense and then “Report a violation”.

  • Here is the address of the “Exposing Sploggers” site.

    About Us

    I used the Google AdSense complaint form yesterday and got back an e mail from them, saying that I would have to FAX or mail a letter back to them with such and such paragraphs in it. It seemed a lot of work just to expose a splogger, of which we are certain to get multiple.

    It seems a Who Is search, then writing directly to the host, would be more effective. I think the Google channel is far too difficult. I personally am not living in the US and sending a FAX to Google is really a hassle and expensive.

  • Everyday or every other day someone (legitamitly) posts this type of question in the forum.
    In fact, I am unsure the sploggers do us any harm, we get a link back to our own blog, if the reader wants to read more.
    The wrong name is a bit of an indignity though.

  • @interissueforum, Thanks. That’s the web site that I was trying to think of.

  • @interissueforum, You used to be able to use Yahoo to send a FAX for free, but I don’t know if you can still do that or not. It might take some poking around on Yahoo’s site, since they have a huge amount of Yahoo related web sites that aren’t even linked from anywhere other than their site index/map.

  • Thank you all, jamesewlech, tellyworth, raincoaster, interissueforum, morris 108 and my itchyfingers for your thoughts and comments.

    It has been valuable and have already started using it with apparent success. The sites you suggested were informative and helpful and the the thoughts and comments gave me new perspectives.

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