PingBack email badly formed

  • Something has changed recently and now the ping back emails we receive are badly formed.

    This email is a multi-part MIME message as the text/plain part looks OK, but the text/html part is truncated before is really gets to say anything, just after the opening “body” HTML tag.

    I imagine that 1000s of people might be already telling you this, so let me know if you need more information. I have several examples that I can forward to somewhere, or past the email source in here if you need it.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Morag,

    Your post is the first I’ve seen with feedback about pingback emails specifically, so it would be great if you can send us more details.

    I’m sending you a separate email to the address on file for your account. Please reply there with the examples you have – you can add any screen shots as attachments to your reply.

  • Hi Tristan,

    I forwarded the pingback email to the email address you sent from, and also replied with an attachment containing the view-source of the email.

    Let me know if you need anything else.


  • Since you have an open ticket with us on email, let’s continue the conversation there. We look forward to your response!

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